We all have talents that come naturally to us and help us navigate life in certain areas that might be difficult for others who do not have those same talents. The ability to recognise and appreciate them will determine how far we can develop them and use them maximally for our benefits as well as those of others. Many people do not maximise their potentials because they do not appreciate them enough to want to use them. Many people will rather just go with something they believe is more popular and more widely accepted.
When you tow this line, life generally becomes a very difficult journey because you are constantly struggling to walk a path that you are ill-fitted something for. A path for which you have no natural inclinaisons whatsoever. It is like trying to walk a long distance while wearing someone else's shoes that do fit. You might painfully and slowly arrive at your destination but not in the time and not with the results you envisaged.
Life is meant to be lived to the full when we are walking in our own lane using our own natural endowment. Coming from a society where our natural systems of development were truncated, where everything we had was thrown out as barbaric, this is a familiar phenomenon. There is no society that is void of some kind of influence from other societies but it is different when you are deprived from exploring your own path. There are natural tendencies that help people to develop along some particular lines and if those are taken away, those affected find themselves walking in shoes and lanes that were not naturally designed for them.
It is not a bad thing to incorporate some things from other societies to help you understand and improve your own life, but when you see your own as something to be ashamed of and discarded, then there is a serious problem. We all have our natural habitat and we develop systems that encourage growth from the understanding that we have about that region. Things definitely run smoother when such natural traits are developed and appreciated.
No one can ever be a better copy than the original. It is good to be inspired and to desire to improve but it is terrible to want to walk where naturally you were not designed to walk. No matter how hard you try, you will always be a copy and your steps will be heavy and belaboured.
Do have a great weekend!
Make today a day to remember by the depth of knowledge you decide to acquire.
Make sure you properly engage your mind.
Read more at www.mentoringafrica.blogspot.com. Comments, suggestions and questions can be sent to my email if you find it difficult to do so the blog. tagbosa@gmail.com. If this is content that you have enjoyed, help to share it with others."The elephant does not limp when walking on thorns." - African proverb
We all have talents that come naturally to us and help us navigate life in certain areas that might be difficult for others who do not have those same talents. The ability to recognise and appreciate them will determine how far we can develop them and use them maximally for our benefits as well as those of others. Many people do not maximise their potentials because they do not appreciate them enough to want to use them. Many people will rather just go with something they believe is more popular and more widely accepted.
When you tow this line, life generally becomes a very difficult journey because you are constantly struggling to walk a path that you are ill-fitted something for. A path for which you have no natural inclinaisons whatsoever. It is like trying to walk a long distance while wearing someone else's shoes that do fit. You might painfully and slowly arrive at your destination but not in the time and not with the results you envisaged.
Life is meant to be lived to the full when we are walking in our own lane using our own natural endowment. Coming from a society where our natural systems of development were truncated, where everything we had was thrown out as barbaric, this is a familiar phenomenon. There is no society that is void of some kind of influence from other societies but it is different when you are deprived from exploring your own path. There are natural tendencies that help people to develop along some particular lines and if those are taken away, those affected find themselves walking in shoes and lanes that were not naturally designed for them.
It is not a bad thing to incorporate some things from other societies to help you understand and improve your own life, but when you see your own as something to be ashamed of and discarded, then there is a serious problem. We all have our natural habitat and we develop systems that encourage growth from the understanding that we have about that region. Things definitely run smoother when such natural traits are developed and appreciated.
No one can ever be a better copy than the original. It is good to be inspired and to desire to improve but it is terrible to want to walk where naturally you were not designed to walk. No matter how hard you try, you will always be a copy and your steps will be heavy and belaboured.
Do have a great weekend!
Make today a day to remember by the depth of knowledge you decide to acquire.
Make sure you properly engage your mind.
Read more at www.mentoringafrica.blogspot.com. Comments, suggestions and questions can be sent to my email if you find it difficult to do so the blog. tagbosa@gmail.com. If this is content that you have enjoyed, help to share it with others."
Nous avons tous des talents qui nous viennent naturellement et qui nous aident à naviguer dans la vie dans certains domaines qui pourraient être difficiles pour d'autres qui n'ont pas ces mêmes talents. La capacité à les reconnaître et à les apprécier déterminera dans quelle mesure nous pouvons les développer et les utiliser au maximum pour nos propres avantages ainsi que ceux des autres. Beaucoup de gens ne maximisent pas leur potentiel parce qu'ils ne l'apprécient pas suffisamment pour vouloir l'utiliser. Beaucoup de gens préfèrent se contenter de ce qu'ils croient être plus populaire et plus largement accepté.
Lorsque vous suivez cette ligne, la vie devient généralement un voyage très difficile parce que vous luttez constamment pour parcourir un chemin pour lequel vous n'êtes pas fait. Un chemin pour lequel vous n'avez aucune inclinaison naturelle. C'est comme essayer de marcher sur une longue distance en portant les chaussures de quelqu'un d'autre qui ne vous vont. Vous pouvez arriver péniblement et lentement à votre destination, mais pas dans le temps et pas avec les résultats que vous aviez envisagés.
La vie est censée être vécue pleinement lorsque nous marchons dans notre propre voie en utilisant notre propre dotation naturelle. Venant d’une société où nos systèmes naturels de développement ont été tronqués, où tout ce que nous avions a été rejeté comme barbare, ça c’est un phénomène familier. Aucune société n’est exempte d’une quelconque influence d’autres sociétés, mais c’est différent lorsque vous êtes privé de la possibilité d’explorer votre propre chemin. Il existe des tendances naturelles qui aident les gens à se développer selon certaines lignes particulières et si elles sont supprimées, les personnes concernées se retrouvent à marcher dans des chaussures et des voies qui n’ont pas été naturellement conçues pour elles.
Ce n’est pas une mauvaise chose d’intégrer certaines choses d’autres sociétés pour vous aider à comprendre et à améliorer votre propre vie, mais lorsque vous considérez la vôtre comme quelque chose dont vous devez avoir honte et que vous devez rejeter, alors il y a un sérieux problème. Nous avons tous notre habitat naturel et nous développons des systèmes qui encouragent la croissance à partir de la compréhension que nous avons de cette région. Les choses se passent certainement mieux lorsque ces traits naturels sont développés et appréciés.
Personne ne peut jamais être une meilleure copie que l’original. Il est bon d’être inspiré et de vouloir s’améliorer, mais il est terrible de vouloir marcher là où naturellement vous n’avez pas été conçu pour marcher. Peu importe vos efforts, vous serez toujours une copie et vos pas seront lourds et laborieux.
Passez un bon week-end !
Faites d'aujourd'hui une journée inoubliable par la profondeur des connaissances que vous décidez d'acquérir.
Assurez-vous de bien engager votre esprit.
Pour en savoir plus, consultez www.mentoringafrica.blogspot.com. Les commentaires, suggestions et questions peuvent être envoyés à mon adresse e-mail si vous avez des difficultés à le faire sur le blog. tagbosa@gmail.com. Si ce contenu vous a plu, aidez-moi à le partager avec d'autres.
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