AFRICA IS A CONTINENT ON THE MOVE AND HER YOUTHS ARE HER GREATEST RESOURCE."We cannot always build a future for our youth, but we can always build our youth for the future."Franklin D. Roosevelt. MentorAfrica looks to help youths, through various life transition mentoring topics, to prepare youths for development and leadership that will help them change the African narrative whenever the opportunity arises.
Wednesday, 31 January 2018
MentorAfrica: WHAT IF YOU HAD NO ALTERNATIVE? - ET SI VOUS N'AVA...: A friend of mine was telling me the other day that he is done with this country and he is exploring the ALTERNATIVE of relocating his famil...
A friend of mine was telling me the other day that he is done with this country and he is exploring the ALTERNATIVE of relocating his family to another country, obviously that means to more advanced and stable economies. I actually have no problem with that at all but it got me thinking about heights we could achieve if we have no alternatives because it is in sticking with it that we figure out ways to overcome our challenges. If we ignore alternatives, we become creative enough to get solutions. Everyone has alternatives even when we do not think we do, but what I mean is alternatives that we could ignore if we were passionate and determined enough about difference our lives could make. Many settled for less than they are wired do in life because they have have chosen easy alternatives over the difficult process that takes us to excellence. No matter how determined you are, life is going to keep pushing alternatives at you to test your resilience and the passion for your purpose. Things that we thought would make life a lot easier can turn out to have life threatening disadvantages like we see in all the high tech gadgets that are now promoting obesity and related diseases that are sending many to their early graves. The passion you have for your purpose when you discover it, is what makes you turn your back on all the alternatives that will hold you back from the perseverance, courage and commitment that it takes to accomplish your purpose. Whenever you start considering alternatives, which can be often, these are moments of test in your pursuit. If you do not know what you want or you shift your focus to what others have achieved, you will consider alternatives that you might live to regret. Alternatives are usually attractive to those who see success outside their purpose, they are ready to do anything to attain a level that people consider as success. Whatever your pursuit is in life, remember that you can have alternative routes without having alternative visions. The easier you see alternatives the farther you can move away from what you are created to do. Enjoy your day!
Un de mes amis me disait l'autre jour qu'il en avait fini avec ce pays et qu'il explore LA POSSIBILITÉ de déménager sa famille a un autre pays, ce qui signifie évidemment des économies plus avancées et plus stables. En fait, cela ne me pose aucun problème, mais cela m'a fait réfléchir sur les sommets que nous pourrions atteindre si nous n'avions pas d'autres solutions, car c'est en persévérant avec nos idées que nous trouverons des moyens de surmonter nos défis. Si nous ignorons les alternatives, nous devenons suffisamment créatifs pour obtenir des solutions. Tout le monde a des alternatives même quand nous ne pensons pas que nous les aurons pas, mais ce que je veux dire c'est que ce sont des alternatives que nous pourrions ignorer si nous étions assez passionnés et déterminés sur la différence que nos vies pourraient faire. Beaucoup se contentent de moins que leurs capacités parce qu'ils ont choisi des alternatives faciles au lieu du processus difficile qui nous mène à l'excellence. Peu importe à quel point vous êtes déterminé, la vie va continuer à vous pousser des alternatives pour tester votre résilience et la passion de votre but. Les choses que nous pensions rendre la vie beaucoup plus facile peuvent s'avérer avoir des désavantages de la vie menaçant comme nous voyons dans tous les gadgets de technologie en pointe qui favorisent maintenant l'obésité et les maladies connexes qui envoient tôt beaucoup à leurs tombes. La passion que vous avez pour votre but lorsque vous le découvrez, c'est ce qui vous fait tourner le dos à toutes les alternatives qui vous retiendront de la persévérance, du courage et de l'engagement nécessaires pour l'atteindre. Chaque fois que vous commencez à envisager des alternatives, ce qui peut être souvent, ce sont des moments de test dans votre poursuite. Si vous ne savez pas ce que vous voulez ou si vous vous concentrez sur ce que les autres ont accompli, vous envisagerez des alternatives que vous pourriez regretter. Les alternatives sont généralement attrayants pour ceux qui voient le succès en dehors de leur but, ils sont prêts à faire n'importe quoi pour atteindre un niveau que les gens considèrent comme un succès. Quelle que soit votre poursuite dans la vie, souvenez-vous que vous pouvez avoir des itinéraires alternatifs sans avoir d'autres visions. Plus vous voyez d'alternatives, plus vous pouvez vous éloigner de ce que vous êtes créé pour faire dans la vie. Bonne journée!
Tuesday, 30 January 2018
MentorAfrica: I SHUDDER... - JE FRISSONNE...
MentorAfrica: I SHUDDER... - JE FRISSONNE...: The other day I was talking to someone I had not seen in a very long time and we were catching up on life. When I told him I was now workin...
The other day I was talking to someone I had not seen in a very long time and we were catching up on life. When I told him I was now working with youths, helping them to recognise their role in nation building and what they can bring to the table, it started a discussion on the state of the nation. This is always an exasperating discussion and this time around, it was no different. At a point, he used a phrase that is also popular in such discussions, "I shudder at what the future holds..." I told him that we are to do more than shudder, because if we all stay at that point and shake our heads, it will not improve the situation. We need, especially as africans, to look beyond our disheartening projections of the future to what contributions we can individually make to alter it. No one can make a difference staring at and enlarging the frame of the challenges, you need to change the frame and focus on something you can do to change the course of the flow. What is the use of an anti-corruption summit when the ecosystem fosters the disease? When we value and build the individuals who build and run the systems and the institutions, the viral count will begin to reduce. Until citizens see themselves as valuable and valued, they will continue to sabotage every anti-corruption effort of government. Human beings will care for what cares for them, until people see an environment that can secure their lives and development, they will not put in their best to develop it. We need to stop talking and start acting, our actions are too loud for people to hear what we are saying. Stop waiting for the government or others to do something before you do what are capable of doing to change and improve a situation.
Monday, 29 January 2018
MentorAfrica: WHEN YOU ARE FULL. - QUAND VOUS ETES COMPLET.: Have you ever had a conversation with someone who "knew" everything? I was on a journey in the same car with someone who "kn...
Have you ever had a conversation with someone who "knew" everything? I was on a journey in the same car with someone who "knew" everything, we were five in the car. I was not involved in any of the topics of conversation because these people were not exactly my "gang" and I was also very tired from the event we were coming from. They were a generation younger than me and obviously less exposed, so there was really no meeting point. I did not have a car and I was graciously given a lift by the owner of the car. Even though I was not part of the conversations throughout the about 90 minutes journey, I was mentally exhausted by the time I got home just by trying to process what they were saying. The driver of the car was just impossible because he "knew" everything and most of what he knew was incorrect but his overconfident attitude made it difficult for anyone to challenge him even if they knew that he was wrong. There is nothing as unproductive as getting to a point where you think you know everything because that is actually a sign that you do not know, you cannot learn and you cannot grow. I encounter a lot of youths who are in this situation and it is pitiful. If you do not know that you can learn from everybody, you will limit your growth. You have to be open to knowledge, no matter the medium that is transmitting it. You never know what someone will say that you can connect to something else you have learnt that will give you clarity and better understanding. Wisdom is listening more than you speak even when you believe that you have more knowledge or more experience than any contributor. Do not be too full that you have no space for fresh perspective. A new perspective is always needed in an ever changing world, no one is so knowledgeable as to have all the perspectives on a issue. Give yourself room to grow and have a beautiful week!
Avez-vous jamais eu une conversation avec quelqu'un qui "savait" tout? J'étais en voyage dans la même voiture avec quelqu'un qui "savait" tout, nous étions cinq dans la voiture. Je n'ai participé dans aucun des sujets de conversation parce que ces gens n'étaient pas exactement ma «clique» et j'étais aussi très fatigué a cause de l'événement d'où nous venions. Ils étaient d'une génération plus jeune que moi et évidemment moins exposés, donc il n'y avait vraiment aucun point de rencontre. Je n'avais pas de voiture et le propriétaire de la voiture m'a gracieusement donné une assistance. Même si je ne faisais pas partie des conversations tout au long du trajet d'environ 90 minutes, j'étais mentalement épuisé quand je suis rentré à la maison simplement en essayant d'imaginer ce qu'ils discutaient. Le chauffeur de la voiture était simplement impossible parce qu'il «savait» tout et la plupart de ce qu'il savait était incorrect, mais son attitude trop confiante le rendait difficile à quiconque de le défier même s'ils savaient qu'il avait tort. Il n'y a rien de plus improductif que d'arriver à un point où vous pensez que vous savez tout parce que c'est effectivement un signe que vous ne connaissez pas, vous ne pouvez pas apprendre et vous ne pouvez pas croître. Je rencontre beaucoup de jeunes qui sont dans cette situation et c'est pitoyable. Si vous ne savez pas que vous pouvez apprendre de tout le monde, vous allez limiter votre croissance. Vous devez être ouvert à la connaissance, peu importe le moyen qui la transmet. Vous ne savez jamais si ce que quelqu'un dira pouvez vous aider connecter à quelque chose d'autre que vous avez appris et peut vous donner de la clarté et une meilleure compréhension. La sagesse c'est écouter plus que parler même si vous croyez que vous avez plus de connaissances ou plus d'expérience que n'importe quel contributeur. Ne soyez pas trop plein que vous n'avez pas de place pour une nouvelle perspective. Une nouvelle perspective est toujours nécessaire dans un monde en constante évolution, personne n'est si bien informé que d'avoir toutes les perspectives sur un problème. Donnez-vous de la place pour croître et passer une belle semaine!
Friday, 26 January 2018
MentorAfrica: THEY CAN'T TREAT YOU BETTER... - ON PEUT PAS VOUS ...: I was talking to someone recently about a guy's third wife who was behaving almost exactly like the first woman he married and she said...
I was talking to someone recently about a guy's third wife who was behaving almost exactly like the first woman he married and she said it means that it is the guy who has the problem. People cannot treat you better than you treat yourself, it is the value you place on yourself that you project. When you behave like a chameleon that adjusts to the colours of its environment, do not be surprised when people take you for granted. Some of us Africans who complain about being treated unfairly, are so conscious of an inferiority complex that even before we get into a mixed race environment, we are already intimidated. We immediately try to change our accent, which is ludicrous by the way, and we justify it by saying the other will not understand our accent. What amazes me is the fact that the other race expects us to do that, so they do not even make any effort to adjust their own accent, then we complain... All africans do not have the same accent and we do not change our accents to make it easier for the other african to understand us rather we try to outdo ourselves by showing we have a better western accent. It is simply preposterous. Until you put the proper value on yourself, do not blame anyone that treats you poorly because that is how you treat yourself. I tell the youths that the way someone walks into an interview setting is where I start to score the person from. If you have the skills and do not have the carriage, you will miss opportunities to display your skills. Someone with the right mental disposition and less skills is more likely to maximise opportunities and grow. If you can change the way you see yourself, others will align with you without much effort. Enjoy your weekend!
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Photo Source : Google+ |
Je parlais à quelqu'un récemment au sujet de la troisième femme d'un homme qui se comportait presque exactement comme la première femme qu'il a épousée et elle a dit que cela signifie que c'est l'homme qui est le problème. Les gens ne peuvent pas mieux vous traiter que vous-même, c'est la valeur que vous placez sur vous-meme que vous projetez. Lorsque vous vous comportez comme un caméléon qui s'adapte aux couleurs de son environnement, ne soyez pas surpris lorsque les gens vous prennent pour acquis. Certains d'entre nous, les Africains, qui se plaignent d'être traités injustement, sont si conscients d'un complexe d'infériorité que même avant d'entrer dans un environnement racial mixte, nous sommes déjà intimidés. Nous essayons immédiatement de changer notre accent, ce qui est d'ailleurs ridicule, et nous le justifions en disant que l'autre ne comprendra pas notre accent. Ce qui m'étonne, c'est le fait que l'autre race l'attende de nous, alors ils ne font même pas d'effort pour ajuster leur propre accent, alors on se plaint ... Tous les africains n'ont pas le même accent et on ne change pas nos accents pour faciliter la compréhension de l'autre africain plutôt nous essayons de nous nous surpasser en montrant que nous avons un meilleur accent occidental. C'est simplement absurde. Jusqu'à ce que vous vous mettiez la bonne valeur, ne blâmez pas quelqu'un qui vous traite mal parce que c'est ainsi que vous vous traitez. Je dis aux jeunes que la façon dont quelqu'un entre dans un contexte d'interview est le moment où je commence à évaluer la personne. Si vous avez les compétences et que vous n'avez pas la démarche, vous manquerez des occasions pour deployer vos compétences. Quelqu'un avec la bonne disposition mentale et moins de compétences est plus susceptible de maximiser les opportunités et de croître. Si vous pouvez changer la façon dont vous vous voyez, les autres s'aligneront avec vous sans trop d'effort. Passe un bon weekend!
Thursday, 25 January 2018
MentorAfrica: DON'T PUT IT IN THE BAG. - NE LA METTEZ PAS DANS L...: When I travel, my major concern is the weigh in at the airport. I went with a group for a training some years ago and three of our members ...
When I travel, my major concern is the weigh in at the airport. I went with a group for a training some years ago and three of our members could not return with us because they had excess luggage and they had no money to pay for it nor could they decide what to leave behind. The tension for those of us already on board was palpable,when the plane eventually took off without them, we were very sad. On one occasion, I had quite a heavy bag and I to get into a high speed train at a certain station, it was a miracle that I could get in at my stop without loosing my balance or missing my journey completely and this was a connection to the city where I had to board a plane back home. Everytime I promise myself it won't happen again but I discover that as much as I try, I still dread the weigh in. In the journey of life, for us to accomplish our purpose we need to travel light. Mentally, physically and emotionally, we need to pack only what is essential to our journey. We have only one life time to achieve our vision, we cannot to afford to be encumbered with people and things that will make our journey slow or belaboured or that could even abort the journey. At whatever point you decided to pursue your vision, you must pack a bag for the journey, do not put anything you do not need for the journey into the bag. Not every relationship is suited for the accomplishment of your dream, not every experience or knowledge is useful and not every acquisition is needed. Stop carrying excess weight in your bag, if you want to make progress and accomplish your dream, be bold enough and wise enough to travel light.
Quand je voyage, ma principale préoccupation est la pesée à l'aéroport. Je suis allé avec un groupe pour une formation il y a quelques années et trois de nos membres ne pouvaient pas revenir avec nous parce qu'ils avaient des bagages excédentaires et ils n'avaient pas d'argent pour payer et ils ne pouvaient pas décider quoi laisser tomber. La tension pour ceux d'entre nous déjà à bord était palpable, quand l'avion a finalement décollé sans eux, nous étions très tristes. Une fois, j'avais un sac assez lourd et je devais entrer dans un train à grande vitesse à une certaine station, c'était un miracle que je pouvais entrer à mon arrêt sans perdre mon équilibre ou manquer complètement mon voyage et c'était une connexion à la ville où je devais monter à bord d'un avion pour rentrer chez moi. Chaque fois que je me promets que cela ne se reproduira plus, je découvre que même si j'essaie, je redoute toujours la pesée. Dans le voyage de la vie, pour que nous puissions atteindre notre but, nous devons voyager à poids léger. Mentalement, physiquement et émotionnellement, nous n'avons besoin que de ce qui est essentiel pour notre voyage. Nous n'avons qu'une seule vie pour réaliser notre vision, nous ne pouvons pas nous permettre d'être encombrés de gens et de choses qui ralentissent ou accablent notre voyage ou qui pourrait même faire avorter le voyage. À tout moment que vous décidez de poursuivre votre vision, vous devez faire une valise pour le voyage, ne mettez pas tout ce dont vous n'avez pas besoin pour le voyage là-dedans. Toutes les relations ne sont pas nécessaires pour l'accomplissement de votre rêve, toutes les expériences ou connaissances ne sont pas utiles et toutes les acquisitions ne sont pas nécessaires. Arrêtez de porter le poids excessif dans votre sac, si vous voulez faire du progrès et accomplir votre rêve, soyez assez audacieux et assez sage pour voyager à poids léger.
Wednesday, 24 January 2018
MentorAfrica: POWER OF FOCUS - LE POUVOIR DE CONCENTRATION: There is so much to see and hear these days, it takes a very conscious effort to focus on what is really important to you. Many of us are b...
There is so much to see and hear these days, it takes a very conscious effort to focus on what is really important to you. Many of us are bombarded by so much information and activities that it is very easy to break our focus, just when you think that you have got all together, there is something new you think you have to put into your mix. People are constantly shuffling options and before they know it, they get to the end of their lives and discover that they have been running around in circles. For some, the whirlwind of information is so strong that they are transfixed to a spot and are too afraid to move forward. Finding a proper balance in life is your ability to recognise your "bull's eye" and focus on it. Pay attention to your focus, the object of your focus will determine your commitment and persistence. We do not have jump from one thing to another like a yo-yo because we are looking at what others have accomplished and wishing we were like them. If those you are admiring fell into the temptation of breaking their focus by copying others, they will not be where they are now. Especially with social media, people project all kinds of ideas and projects, if you do not have a point of focus; a purpose you are passionate about, you will easily shift your focus. The more you focus on an object, the clearer it becomes and the better you become at realising the options you have at hitting it. If you listen to people who are watching you or you are looking at what others are doing to hit their own objects rather than concentrating on how to hit your own "bull's eye", you will never hit it and be successful. Do have a great weekend!
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Photo Source : Google+ |
Il y a tellement de choses à voir et à entendre ces jours-ci, il faut un effort conscient pour se concentrer sur ce qui est vraiment important pour vous. Beaucoup d'entre nous sont bombardés par tant d'informations et d'activités qu'il est très facile de perdre votre concentration, juste au moment où vous pensez que vous avez tous en ordre, il y a quelque chose de nouveau que vous pensez que vous êtes obligé de mettre dans votre mélange. Les gens modifient constamment les options et avant qu'ils le sachent, ils arrivent à la fin de leur vie et découvrent qu'ils ont couru en rond. Pour certains, le tourbillon de l'information est si fort qu'ils sont figés et ont trop peur d'avancer. Trouver un bon équilibre dans la vie est votre capacité à reconnaître «votre mouche» et s'y concentrer. Faites attention à votre concentration, l'objet de votre attention déterminera votre engagement et votre persévérance. Il ne faut pas sauter d'une chose à l'autre comme un yo-yo parce que nous regardons ce que les autres ont accompli et nous souhaitons que nous étions comme eux. Si ceux qui vous admirez ont cédé à la tentation de briser leur concentration en faisant une copie des autres, ils ne seront pas là où ils sont maintenant. Surtout avec les médias sociaux, les gens projettent toutes sortes d'idées et de projets, si vous n'avez pas un point d'intérêt; un but qui vous passionne, vous pouvez facilement changer votre concentration. Plus vous vous concentrez sur un objet, plus il devient clair et mieux vous réalisez les options que vous avez pour le toucher. Si vous écoutez des gens qui vous regardent ou vous regardez ce que les autres font pour frapper leurs propres objets plutôt que de vous concentrer sur la façon de frapper «votre mouche», vous ne le frapperez jamais et vous ne réussirez pas. Bon weekend!
Tuesday, 23 January 2018
MentorAfrica: PURPOSE. PASSION. PLATFORM.- BUT. PASSION. PLATE-F...: I meet with youths who think what they are pursuing is purpose but I have discovered that most of the time, what they are actually pursuing...
I meet with youths who think what they are pursuing is purpose but I have discovered that most of the time, what they are actually pursuing is a platform. The pressure on Africans to prove to the world that they are humans with a brain, makes most of us to seek shortcuts to the platform rather than submit to the process that leads to the platform. We therefore end up celebrating mediocrity, leaving little room for excellence. Passion not tied to a purpose that seeks to improve our communities and society is counter productive, that is exactly what the passion for the platform does to us. We concentrate our efforts on how we can be seen and applauded without any intention of making long lasting, life changing contributions. Consequently, we do not develop our talents in line with our vision, we just go out, copy what somebody else has initiated and find untoward ways of getting to the spotlight. Purpose driven passion will make you give your best to whatever you are doing irrespective of the size of your platform. Immediately I tell people I am a blogger, the next question is "Have you started making money?" Most times, it can be little upsetting not because I do not like money but, I think for me, the reason why you are doing something and enjoying what you are doing should be paramount. Many people who have made tons of money today, did not set out trying to make money, they had a purpose, they were driven by the passion to make it happen and along came money and platform. If you seek to stand on a platform too quickly, it will destroy you because you avoided the process that would have prepared you to handle the pressures of that amount of exposure. If you want to savour all the flavours of a good meal, it will take a lot of marinating and slow cooking. Allow your passion to marinade in your purpose if your want to have any long lasting impact. Enjoy your day!
Monday, 22 January 2018
MentorAfrica: DON'T HOLD ON TO IT - NE S'Y ACCROCHEZ PAS: As an African, I am very familiar with the concept of holding on to the past and feeling more patriotic and African. For some of us we are ...
As an African, I am very familiar with the concept of holding on to the past and feeling more patriotic and African. For some of us we are so stuck in our past history of slavery and oppression that we live our lives constantly in those dark shadows. There will always be shadows cast on our present lives by events of the past but we should not allow these shadows to darken our present. Moving with your feet in shackles of the past is not only slow but it is extremely painful, it can drain out all the mental and emotional energy you need to live your life and be productive. We have to keep moving and dealing with the present in such a way that light of the present makes the shadows of the past fade. For some people the past is where they achieved something significant and they allow this singular event to overshadow their present opportunities. We must learn to leave the past where it belongs whether it was pleasant or unpleasant. Everything in life evolves, you cannot allow your life to be dictated by past events. When we watch movies in technicolor we still enjoy the storyline but we would rather watch a movie on HD because of the picture quality. It does not mean that the latter movie is not good, it just means that life has evolved and there is better way of achieving than same reality. Something might have been valuable in the past but it is no longer relevant for the present and cannot be used as leverage for the future. Holding on to your past does not make you more patriotic or more loyal. You can make the needed cultural and mental shift without losing your core values, make the shift that you need to be relevant for your present realities and purpose. Enjoy a great week!
En tant qu'Africain, je suis très familier avec l'idée de garder le passé et de me sentir plus patriotique et africaine. Pour certains d'entre nous, nous sommes tellement coincés dans notre histoire passée d'esclavage et d'oppression que nous vivons nos vies constamment dans ces ombres sombres. Il y aura toujours des ombres projetées sur nos vies présentes par les événements du passé mais nous ne devrions pas permettre à ces ombres d'assombrir notre présent. Se déplacer avec les pieds dans les entraves du passé n'est pas seulement lent mais il est extrêmement douloureux, il peut vous epuiser de toute l'énergie mentale et émotionnelle dont vous avez besoin pour vivre votre vie et être productif. Nous devons continuer à nous débrouiller et à faire face au présent de telle manière que la lumière du présent fasse pâlir les ombres du passé. Pour certaines, le passé est l'endroit où ils ont accompli quelque chose de significatif et ils permettent à cet événement singulier d'occulter leurs opportunités actuelles. Nous devons apprendre à laisser le passé où il appartient, que ce soit agréable ou désagréable. Tout dans la vie évolue, vous ne pouvez pas laisser des événements passés dicter la direction de votre vie. Lorsque nous regardons des films en technicolor, nous aimons toujours l'histoire, mais nous préférons regarder un film en HD en raison de la qualité de l'image. Cela ne veut pas dire que le dernier n'est pas bon, cela signifie simplement que la vie a évolué et qu'il y a une meilleure façon d'arriver à la même réalité. On peut le cas ou quelque chose était utile dans le passé, mais qui n'est plus pertinent pour le présent et qu'on ne peut pas utiliser comme un levier pour l'avenir. Garder votre passé ne signifie pas que vous êtes plus patriotique ou plus fidèle. Vous pouvez faire le changement culturel et mental nécessaire sans perdre vos valeurs fondamentales, faire le changement dont vous avez besoin pour vous vous adapter à vos réalités et objectifs actuels. Bonne semaine!
Friday, 19 January 2018
MentorAfrica: THE BURDEN OF SUCCESS 5 - LE FARDEAU DE LA RÉUSSIT...: There are two conditions that many are confused about; being alone and being lonely. A lot of people think they are the same but they are n...
There are two conditions that many are confused about; being
alone and being lonely. A lot of people think they are the same but they are
not. Many look at successful people who are usually surrounded by a lot of
people and “assume” that success has many friends. Does success have many
friends or it just attracts many people most of whom simply want a piece of the
action? Aloneness is one of the greatest burdens of success, success attracts people
who want you for what you have but who are not interested in who you are.
Success puts a demand on you to help others but many of those you help do not
reciprocate by helping you in your areas of need. Everyone believes that
success in one area of life makes up for every need in a person’s life and
nothing could be further from the truth. Many times, in the pursuit of success,
many disconnect from relationships that are important for their emotional
stability. This is the reason why some highly successful people lose their
families and loved ones and some even go the extreme of committing suicide. We
must not pursue success at the expense of the fundamental relationships in life
so that we can have a proper balance and live long enough to make more impact.
We can be surrounded by people and feel completely alone because we are not
emotionally connected to any of them, this is different from being lonely when
we do not have people around us. Aloneness is quite dangerous because it is not
apparent until victim speaks out or something unpleasant happens. As we go
about in the pursuit of our purpose, let us be reminded that at the end of
the day we need to have relationships that we can rely on while every other
person is attracted to us just for what they can get from us. Have a great
Thursday, 18 January 2018
MentorAfrica: THE BURDEN OF SUCCESS 4 - LE FARDEAU DE LA RÉUSSIT...: We are in a world that is fluid, a world that is constantly evolving but many get to some success and think that they have arrived. In life...
We are in a world that is fluid, a world that is constantly evolving
but many get to some success and think that they have arrived. In life, there
is always territory to conquer, if you stop to grow and to flow, you begin to
die. It is either you progress or you retrogress, life has no room for
stagnation. One of the burdens of success is that real success always pushes
you to go the extra mile. Success does not allow you to stop, you either
continue to strive for something new or you are helping someone along their
journey. When others give up, success will drive you to go an extra mile to
overcome things that are keeping others satisfied or are preventing them from
progressing. Success puts a burden on us to constantly expand our boundaries
because it is impossible to settle for less when you have seen what going the
extra mile can produce, what leaving your comfort zone has achieved. Success is
in levels and no matter what you accomplish at one level, the desire to explore
the next level is always present. Success is not a destination, it is not
wealth, it is not glamour or position, it is a mindset. When you reach a place
of “satisfaction”, you need to check what is keeping you complacent and keep
going, that is a burden of success.
Nous sommes dans un monde qui est fluide, un monde en constante évolution mais beaucoup réussissent et pensent qu'ils sont arrivés. Dans la vie, il y a toujours du territoire à conquérir, si vous arrêtez de grandir et de couler, vous commencez à mourir. C'est soit vous progressez, soit vous reculez, la vie n'a pas de place pour la stagnation. L'un des fardeaux du succès est que le succès réel vous pousse toujours à faire un effort supplémentaire. Le succès ne vous permet pas d'arrêter, vous continuez à vous battre pour quelque chose de nouveau ou vous aidez quelqu'un au cours son voyage. Lorsque les autres abandonnent, le succès vous pousse à faire un effort supplémentaire pour surmonter les obstacles qui donnent aux autres l'air de satisfaction ou les empêchent de progresser. Le succès nous oblige à constamment repousser nos limites, car il est impossible de se contenter de moins quand on a vu ce que le kilomètre supplémentaire peut produire, cela nous a permis de sortir de notre zone de confort. Le succès est en étapes et peu importe ce que vous accomplissez à un niveau, le désir d'explorer le niveau suivant est toujours présent. Le succès n'est pas une destination, n'est pas de la richesse, n'est pas du glamour ou de la position, c'est un état d'esprit. Lorsque vous atteignez un lieu de «satisfaction», vous devez identifier ce qui vous produit cet air de complaisance et continuer, c'est ça le fardeau de succès.
Wednesday, 17 January 2018
MentorAfrica: THE BURDEN OF SUCCESS 3 - LE FARDEAU DE LA RÉUSSIT...: In my almost 5 years of blogging, I have discussed to the best of my ability what I consider real success. One of the most important pillar...
In my almost 5 years of blogging, I have discussed to the best of my ability what I consider real success. One of the most important pillars of real success, for me, is investment. Success that does not reproduce itself in others is not complete. One of the burdens of success is mentoring others and helping them achieve their dreams, this is not easy and it may not be in the least convenient. If what you call success cannot does not give you the ability to guide others with lessons you learnt along your journey, then you might need to reconsider your definition of success. Only those who truly walk the path can show others the way. Success is not just about what you can achieve in your life time, it is about the steps you construct and leave behind to help those coming after you to reach their destination. Most people these days are just concerned about fame and glamour, these fade so quickly that there is nothing about them that would help even the few that would remember them to become better people. Investing in other people takes a lot of hard work and sacrifice, not everyone writes or speaks just for the money. Many recognise that one lifetime is too short to make all the impact they want so they document what they want to pass on to help others. When you come in contact with those who sincerely want to invest in others, the difference is in their passion, their commitment and their sense of urgency. For those whose objective is monetary gains, there is a emotional distance that dilutes the significance of their investment. Success that puts a demand on you to invest on the growth of others is what you should passionately pursue if you want to make any impact.
Tuesday, 16 January 2018
MentorAfrica: THE BURDEN OF SUCCESS 2 - LE FARDEAU DE LA RÉUSSIT...: The principal emotion people associate with success is pleasure, many do not imagine that success can be a burden. With success comes influ...
The principal emotion people associate with success is pleasure, many do not imagine that success can be a burden. With success comes influence, people want to be around successful people. Successful people become a sort of compass for those who are focusing on getting somewhere with their lives and this becomes a "burden" to the one who has to help others arrive at their destination. There is this underlying pressure on successful people that makes them project what they want others to see rather than who they really are. The only way to resist this kind of pressure is to just be yourself always. Many successful people put undue pressure on themselves trying be something to everybody. This is why it is important to understand who you are and always live in the integrity of your core values. Concentrate on your sphere of influence by remaining passionate about your purpose, do not focus on the approval of people. When you know what you are pursuing and you keep your eyes on it, people who need to follow your example will do so without your setting out to impress them. You do not need to impress to have influence, you just need to be genuine. Do not be in a hurry to succeed, just develop the passion to live with intention. Build a life on your core values and a passion for your purpose and your influence will become a lifestyle. When your influence is a lifestyle and not a need to impress, no matter the level of your success, influence becomes natural and not a burden. Enjoy your day!
Monday, 15 January 2018
MentorAfrica: THE BURDEN OF SUCCESS - LE FARDEAU DE LA RÉUSSITE: I would like to continue a thought I considered in my last post because I have discovered that many who pursue success are really not menta...
I would like to continue a thought I considered in my last post because I have discovered that many who pursue success are really not mentally and emotionally prepared for it. We desire success not because we understand what it is or what it weighs, most of us just want to be applauded. Many think they have it all figured out until they achieve some level of success or whatever they feel is success and they realise that it is much more demanding than they envisaged. The primary burden of success is responsibility and that is a word that a lot of us do not like to hear. We want the power and the glamour of the position bur we do not want the accompanying responsibility of increased human interactions, taking challenges that come with the wider sphere of operation and the invasion of our privacy. Some become arrogant, irritable and unapproachable because the flaws in their weak character become exposed to a larger audience. Success exposes us to people and situations that can throw up unpleasant surprises and challenges, we need strength of character to be able to handle them without losing ourselves and our core values. Success and burden are two sides of a coin, do not just wish for success prepare for success before you become successful. Have a great week!
Je voudrais continuer une pensée que j'ai considérée dans mon dernier post parce que j'ai découvert que beaucoup de ceux qui poursuivent le succès ne sont vraiment pas mentalement et émotionnellement préparés pour cela. Nous désirons le succès non parce que nous comprenons ce que c'est ou ce qu'il pèse, la plupart d'entre nous veulent simplement l'acclamation. Beaucoup pensent qu'ils ont tout compris jusqu'à ce qu'ils atteignent un certain niveau de succès ou tout ce qu'ils croient être le succès et ils se rendent compte que c'est beaucoup plus exigeant qu'ils ne le prévoyaient. Le principal fardeau du succès est la responsabilité et c'est un mot que beaucoup d'entre nous n'aiment pas entendre. Nous voulons la puissance et le glamour de la position, nous ne voulons pas la responsabilité d'accompagnement des interactions humaines accrues, les défis qui viennent avec la sphère d'opération plus large et l'invasion de notre vie privée. Certains deviennent arrogants, irritables et inaccessibles parce que les défauts dans leur caractère faible deviennent exposés à un public plus large. Le succès nous expose à des personnes et des situations qui peuvent provoquer des surprises et des défis désagréables, nous avons besoin de force de caractère pour pouvoir les gérer sans nous perdre nous-mêmes et nos valeurs fondamentales. Le succès et le fardeau sont les deux faces d'une pièce de monnaie, ne souhaitez pas simplement le succès, préparez-vous pour le succès avant de réussir. Passe une bonne semaine!
Saturday, 13 January 2018
MentorAfrica: TEMPERATURE DROPS - LES CHUTES DE TEMPERATURE: I watched an interview of a guy's preparation before he climbed Mount Kilimanjaro, it was intense. Until that point, I really did not k...
I watched an interview of a guy's preparation before he climbed Mount Kilimanjaro, it was intense. Until that point, I really did not know that many die from attempting mountain climbs without adequate preparation. I once had an experience in Israel when I went out with a tour group to climb Mount Masada which about 450 meters from the base below sea level, to watch the rising of the sun. I had no idea of what we were going to do actually, I just asked a fellow participant at a conference to add my name to the group for the excursion. I did not bother to ask what kind of activities were lined up, I was just looking forward to having a fun day out. I had never climbed even a hill and had no idea what I had signed up for. I was inappropriately dressed, I was wearing a fitted maxi skirt with high heeled slippers. I did not read the instructions at the foot of the mountain so I did not know I was supposed to carry water. By the time I struggled to get halfway through, my group mates were nearly at the top, other groups that came after us were way ahead of me and I was out of breath. I sat down for a while in one the rest areas and went back down to wait for my group. Most of us sign up for projects that we have no clue as to what it will take to get to the finish line because we see what others have done without any knowledge of what it took them to get there. The air thins out as we climb higher, temperatures drop and if we are not prepared for that situation, we quit or even risk death. We live in an age where we have information at our fingertips, we need to have adequate mental preparation for what we intend to accomplish for whatever goals that make our dreams come true. Mental preparation helps us to understand what we need, how to access these resources and to anticipate the possible challenges that will try to stop us. Do not make a move until you have as much information as you can get on what the pursuit of your vision entails. Have a great week!
J'ai regardé une interview de la préparation d'un gars avant qu'il ne monte le Kilimandjaro, c'était intense. Jusqu'à ce point, je ne savais vraiment pas que beaucoup meurent en essayant des montées en montagne sans préparation adéquate. J'ai déjà eu une expérience en Israël quand je suis sorti avec un groupe de touristes pour monter le Mont Masada qui se trouve environ 450 mètres de la base sous le niveau de la mer, pour regarder le lever du soleil. Je n'avais aucune idée de ce que nous allions faire, je demandais simplement à un autre participant à une conférence d'ajouter mon nom au groupe pour l'excursion. Je n'ai pas pris la peine de demander quel genre d'activités étaient prévues, ce qui était mon désir principal c'était de passer simplement une bonne journée. Je n'avais jamais escaladé même une colline et je n'avais aucune idée de quoi je m'étais inscrit. J'étais habillée de façon inappropriée, je portais une jupe maxi ajustée avec des pantoufles à talons hauts. Je n'ai pas lu les instructions au pied de la montagne, donc je ne savais pas que je devais apporter de l'eau. Au moment où j'avais du mal à arriver à la moitié du chemin, mes coéquipiers étaient presque au sommet, les autres groupes qui venaient après nous étaient très en avance sur moi et j'étais à bout de souffle. Je me suis assis un moment dans l'une des aires de repos et je suis redescendu pour attendre mon groupe. La plupart d'entre nous s'inscrivent à des projets que nous n'avons aucune idée de ce qu'il faudra faire pour arriver à la ligne d'arrivée parce que nous voyons ce que les autres ont fait sans aucune connaissance de ce qu'il leur a fallu pour y arriver. L'air s'amenuise à mesure que nous montons plus haut, les températures baissent et si nous ne nous préparons pas pour cette situation, nous abandonnons ou nous risquons même la mort. Nous vivons à une époque où nous avons l'information à portée de main, nous avons besoin d'une préparation mentale adéquate si nous avons l'intention d'accomplir tous les objectifs nécessaire pour la réalisation nos rêves. La préparation mentale nous aide à comprendre ce dont nous avons besoin à accéder à ces ressources et à anticiper les défis éventuels qui tenteront de nous arrêter. Ne faites aucun mouvement tant que vous n'avez pas reçu autant d'informations que vous pouvez obtenir sur ce qu'implique la poursuite de votre vision. Passe une bonne semaine!
Friday, 12 January 2018
MentorAfrica: MENTAL STIMULATION - STIMULATION MENTALE: We all agree that if we change our thoughts we can change our world. This could be the most difficult task you will undertake in life but ...
We all agree that if we change our thoughts we can change our world. This could be the most difficult task you will undertake in life but it would be worth your while. However, what you allow into your mental space is what determines the quality of your thought process. You have to be careful about your conversation topics and the type of information you open yourself to. You need to pay attention to the things you talk about and the people you interact with on a regular basis if you want to stimulate your mind and produce thoughts that will help you create and work on having a productive life. Many are always spending time recycling news items and pop culture. If most of your conversations do nothing to challenge you mentally, I suggest that you make a serious effort to change what your topics are and those around you who encourage you to have those conversations. What you vocalise you are most likely to actualise. When your conversations lead you to a point of doing a further research on the topic to improve your knowledge and help you make progress in your journey, then you are on the right track. Such conversations are very stimulating and they give you fresh vibes to expand your horizons. Challenging yourself mentally helps you conquer the limitations that have held others in cages and prevented them from flying. Your words frame your world, they say, do not waste precious moments of growth hanging out with wrong people, talking about others and prevent yourself from sharpening your mental axe so you can build the vision that you have the potentials accomplish. Enough said... Enjoy your day!
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Nous sommes tous d'accord que si nous changeons nos pensées, nous pouvons changer notre monde. Cela pourrait être la tâche la plus difficile que vous entreprendrez dans la vie, mais cela en vaut la peine. Cependant, ce que vous permettez dans votre espace mental est ce qui détermine la qualité de votre processus de pensée. Vous devez faire attention à vos sujets de conversation et au type d'informations auxquelles vous vous ouvrez. Vous devez prêter attention aux sujets que vous discutez et aux personnes avec qui vous parlez régulièrement si vous voulez stimuler votre esprit et produire des pensées qui vous aideront à créer et à travailler pour avoir une vie productive. Beaucoup passent toujours du temps à recycler les nouvelles et la culture pop. Si la plupart de vos conversations ne vous secouent pas mentalement, je vous suggère de faire un effort sérieux pour changer vos sujets et ceux qui vous entourent et qui vous encouragent à participer aux telles conversations. Vous êtes plus susceptible d'actualiser ce que vous verbalisez. Lorsque vos conversations vous amènent à faire des recherches sur le sujet pour améliorer vos connaissances et vous aider à progresser dans votre parcours, vous êtes sur la bonne voie. De telles conversations sont très stimulantes et elles vous donnent des vibrations fraîches pour élargir vos horizons. Se secouer mentalement vous aide à vaincre les limites qui ont retenu les autres dans des cages et les a empêchés de voler. Vos mots encadrent votre monde, dit-on, ne gaspillez pas de précieux moments de croissance a traîner avec les personnes peu sérieux en parlant des autres et vous empêcher d'aiguiser votre hache mentale pour que vous puissiez construire la vision que vous avez le potentiel d'accomplir. Assez dit ... Profitez de votre journée!
Thursday, 11 January 2018
MentorAfrica: REBEL WITHOUT A CAUSE - REBELLE SANS CAUSE: The world is full of people who can identify problems but short on those who can proffer solutions or who actually want to be the solution....
The world is full of people who can identify problems but short on those who can proffer solutions or who actually want to be the solution. I had a conversation with a young man once and he thoroughly analysed some of the issues that were plaguing this country. At the end of his speech, I asked him a simple question "what can you do to be a part of the solution?" This got him thinking...the next time we had another conversation along those lines, he had possible areas that he could pursue in order to be a part of solution even if he could not completely address the situation. When someone constantly complains about a situation without any intention of doing something improve it, I consider that person a rebel without a cause. You might not be actively rebelling against the system but constantly criticizing and blaming the people or institutions is a form of rebellion. When you are not satisfied with the way things are going, stand up and do something about it by either by improving the present situation or creating an alternative solution. Have a cause, think of a project, have a plan of action, that is what a dissatisfied, progressive individual should do. Stop being a rebel without a cause!
Le monde est plein de gens qui peuvent identifier les problèmes mais à court de ceux qui peuvent proposer des solutions ou qui veulent réellement être la solution. J'ai eu une conversation avec un jeune homme une fois et il a analysé en profondeur certains des problèmes qui troublent ce pays. À la fin de son discours, je lui ai posé une question simple: 'que pouvez-vous faire pour faire partie de la solution? Cela l'a fait réfléchir ... la prochaine fois que nous avons eu une autre conversation dans ce sens, il avait des domaines possibles qu'il pouvait poursuivre pour faire partie de la solution même s'il ne pouvait pas complètement régler la situation. Quand quelqu'un se plaint constamment d'une situation sans aucune intention de faire quelque chose pour l'améliorer, je considère cette personne comme une rebelle sans cause. Vous ne pouvez pas vous rebeller activement contre le système, mais critiquer et blâmer constamment les gens ou les institutions est une forme de rébellion. Lorsque vous n'êtes pas satisfait de la façon dont les choses se passent, tenez-vous debout et faites quelque chose à ce sujet en améliorant la situation actuelle ou en créant une solution alternative. Avoir une cause, penser à un projet, avoir un plan d'action, voilà ce qu'un individu insatisfait et progressiste devrait faire. Arrête d'être un rebelle sans cause!
Wednesday, 10 January 2018
MentorAfrica: STOP AUDITIONING! - ARRETEZ D'AUDITIONNER!: I recently saw a movie where a guy was going from one audition to another trying to get a music contract and he met a girl in the process w...
I recently saw a movie where a guy was going from one audition to another trying to get a music contract and he met a girl in the process who was also looking for a way to get into the movie industry. They both tried very hard but nothing significant was forthcoming and it was at a very point that the girl told the guy to stop auditioning and start something himself. These were very talented people who put their lives on hold doing menial jobs around the entertainment industry just to get roles and fulfil their dreams. This is the situation with a lot of us, we are talented and hardworking but the opportunities a few and far between, that is if we ever even get them. Many youths find themselves going in circles until they eventually arrive at old age with nothing but their dreams. If we ever intend to make our story count, we have to stop auditioning for roles that are tailored by society and others. When opportunities do not open for you in the traditional way, passion for your dreams should help you create opportunities. Many give up and fit into the moulds that life creates for them and finish life wishing that they achieved their dreams. Do not allow your environment and other limitations put you on lock down, if your do not lose your steam, you will be able to see ways of creating opportunities where no one else is aware of them. In the same Africa where everything seems to be stagnated or retrogressing, those with a passion for her growth and development are finding ways to make things work. Until you see that the achievement of your dream is not tied to a geographical location or the approval of certain society or group of individuals, you will waste your talent and purpose auditioning when you could be making history. Enjoy your day!
Tuesday, 9 January 2018
MentorAfrica: ADD NEW FEATURES - AJOUTER DE NOUVELLES CARACTÉRIS...: I was asking my children what they do in the remake of an old movie because I am not really interested in movies these days. What I underst...
I was asking my children what they do in the remake of an old movie because I am not really interested in movies these days. What I understood from their explanation is that the remake helps to adapt the film to the present audience so it is relevant. They try to stick with the original story lines and settings as much as they can but the integrity of the content is respected. When I listen to most people talking about Africa, they usually are always describing the present landscape of underdevelopment and corruption or they are dwelling in her past glory. Very few people actually envision and talk about an Africa with an improved landscape. The few who do are castigated and mocked and the sad thing is the fact that this is done by Africans themselves. It is easier to do an exact image of the painting of a landscape than it is to attempt an improved and futuristic version because then we would have to put our imagination to work. Imagination helps us to conceive and pursue our dreams and desires, that is a place many Africans do not want to go. Most of us would rather just paint the past or previous landscapes like almost everyone does and enjoy all the excuses that absorb us of any responsibility. Getting into anything that would require the use of our minds and the discipline of engaging our time and hard work is off limits for many. It is high time we stopped painting the same landscapes over and over again, let us think of features that we can add to the landscape to make it more beautiful and better. Life has given us all blank canvases, we either make copies of what others have done, improve on the works of others by doing a remake or we do our own painting for others to enjoy and remake if they so desire.
Monday, 8 January 2018
MentorAfrica: EMBRACE DISCIPLINE...GROW! - EMBRASSEZ LA DISCIPLI...: It is quite exciting to be back on the blog for 2018. 2017 was a great year for the blog but I know this year is going to be a much better ...
It is quite exciting to be back on the blog for 2018. 2017 was a great year for the blog but I know this year is going to be a much better one. This sounds cliché
because everyone talks like this at the beginning of every year but the difference is that some prepare mentally for it while others just wish it. We must realise that we cannot have any growth if we do not embrace the discipline that is needed to move from one level to the other. People will come out with new year resolutions that they have no intentions to achieve because of the level of work and discipline required. I have seen people who would rather take drugs daily than dealing with a lifestyle change of diet and exercise. Many will choose to follow some religious rituals rather than work on areas of their lives that will help them move forward. The main thing that we need to do if we want to make any meaningful progress this year is to be open to change through our willingness to embrace the diligence that only discipline can produce. If we choose to look for shortcuts in life, we will end up as mediocres no matter the resolutions we make at the beginning of the year. Africa is on the move for those who want to make their story count. We at Mentor Africa wish you a happy new, we enjoin you embrace discipline and grow. Have a great year!
C'est très excitant d'être de retour sur le blog pour 2018. 2017 a été une bonne année pour le blog mais je sais que cette année serait mieux. Cela semble cliché parce que tout le monde parle comme ça au début de chaque année, mais la différence est que certains s'y préparent mentalement tandis que d'autres le souhaitent. Nous devons réaliser que nous ne pouvons pas avoir de croissance si nous n'embrassons pas la discipline nécessaire pour passer d'un niveau à l'autre. Les gens sortiront avec des résolutions du nouvel an qu'ils n'ont aucune intention d'atteindre en raison du niveau de travail et de discipline requis. J'ai vu des gens qui préféreraient prendre des médicaments tous les jours plutôt que de faire face à un changement de mode de vie et d'exercice. Beaucoup choisiront de suivre certains rituels religieux plutôt que de travailler sur des domaines de leur vie qui les aideront à faire du progrès. La principale chose que nous devons faire si nous voulons faire des progrès significatifs cette année est d'être ouvert au changement par notre volonté d'adopter la diligence que seule la discipline peut produire. Si nous choisissons de chercher des raccourcis dans la vie, nous finirons comme des médiocres peu importe les résolutions que nous prenons au début de l'année. L'Afrique est en mouvement pour ceux qui veulent faire en sorte que leur histoire compte. Nous à Mentor Africa vous souhaitons une bonne nouvelle, nous vous enjoignons d'embrasser la discipline et de grandir. Passe une bonne année!
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