As I work with people especially the youths, I have discovered that what we lack most times are people who are ready to listen to us. Everyone thinks they know what the other person needs to do to improve their lives. We always have answers when we are not involved in the challenging situation. Many have an idea of what they want, all they need is someone to listen to them. Some times, we need neither encouragement nor criticism, we just need someone to listen to us while we talk. There is something that happens when you hear yourself talking about your dream that emboldens you more than when you just think about or read about it. When someone comes to talk to you about an idea they have, just allow them to talk. Listen attentively and speak only when your counsel is required. "Talk to me" is a phrase that is rarely used these days because we have too many who think they have an answer or a suggestion in helping to bring everybody's dream to reality. Many more will have less depression if they could just have people who listen to them without telling them what they should do without patiently listening to what they have to say. In a world where pressure from all facets of society is constantly on the rise, we need to hear the phrase "Talk to me" more often to help us understand that can have some support when we need it. Have a great week!
AFRICA IS A CONTINENT ON THE MOVE AND HER YOUTHS ARE HER GREATEST RESOURCE."We cannot always build a future for our youth, but we can always build our youth for the future."Franklin D. Roosevelt. MentorAfrica looks to help youths, through various life transition mentoring topics, to prepare youths for development and leadership that will help them change the African narrative whenever the opportunity arises.
Monday, 25 June 2018
Wednesday, 20 June 2018
MentorAfrica: THE HEAT IS NECESSARY - LA FEU EST NÉCESSAIRE: I have dabbled a bit into bread making and I know that the most important thing you need to know so you can have the best results is how to...
I have dabbled a bit into bread making and I know that the most important thing you need to know so you can have the best results is how to use yeast. You have to know the right amount and the correct duration you have to leave it in the dough before you bake. No matter the amount of condiments you use to make it rich and delicious, if you do not use the yeast right, the dough will not rise properly for the bread to come out the way you intend. It is the heat of the process that makes your gift to rise for you to use it for the impact that is intended. Formal training is good but that alone cannot mature your gift enough for you to maximise its use. There are many professionals who are not making any impact apart from enriching those they are getting their goods and services from. The experiences we allow to make us bold enough to help us make tough choices and confront the challenges of life is the yeast but many of us do all we can in order to avoid any such experience. This means we do not allow the "yeast" to do its work. Do not run away from the pressures that the process puts on you, that is the only way that all the facets of your gift can shine. Ask the piece of diamond and it will tell you that it is the pressure from the huge boulders put on it for countless numbers of years that gives it the sparkle you get from it no matter which direction you turn it. Allow the heat to do its work and everyone one that comes across you will enjoy your influence, that is what is meant by living with intention. Enjoy your day!
J'ai un peu trempé dans la cuisson du pain et je sais que la chose la plus importante que vous devez savoir pour obtenir les meilleurs résultats est de savoir comment utiliser la levure. Vous devez savoir la bonne quantité et la bonne durée que vous devez le laisser dans la pâte avant de faire cuire. Peu importe la quantité de condiments que vous utilisez pour le rendre riche et délicieux, si vous n'utilisez pas bien la levure, la pâte ne se lèvera pas correctement pour que le pain sorte comme vous l'entendez. C'est le feu du processus qui fait que votre don se lève pour que vous l'utilisiez pour l'impact voulu. L'entraînement formel est bon mais cela seul ne peut pas mûrir votre don assez pour que vous maximisiez son utilisation. Il y a beaucoup de professionnels qui n'ont aucun impact en dehors d'enrichir ceux dont ils obtiennent leurs biens et services. Les expériences qui nous permettons de nous rendre assez audacieux pour nous aider à faire des choix difficiles et à affronter les défis de la vie sont la levure mais beaucoup d'entre nous font tout ce que nous pouvons pour éviter de telle expérience. Cela signifie que nous ne permettons pas à la «levure» de faire son travail. Ne fuyez pas les pressions que le processus exerce sur vous, c'est le seul moyen de faire briller toutes les facettes de votre don. Demandez au morceau de diamant et il vous dira que c'est la pression exercée par les énormes rochers qui s'y sont accumulés pendant d'innombrables années qui lui donnent l'éclat que vous montre, quelle que soit la direction dans laquelle vous le tournez. Permettez au feu de faire son travail et tout le monde qui vous croise profiter de votre influence, c'est ce que l'on entend par vivre avec l'intention. Bonne journée!
Monday, 18 June 2018
MentorAfrica: THE SIZE DOES NOT MATTER - LA TAILLE N'EST PAS IMP...: I had a colleague who was very lackadaisical about her job and anytime I confronted her, she would say "how much are they paying me?&q...
I had a colleague who was very lackadaisical about her job and anytime I confronted her, she would say "how much are they paying me?" She is not alone and the fact is that even if such people get high paying jobs, their performance will not be excellent. Excellence does not consider the size of the audience or paycheck. People who pursue excellence are simply passionate about what they do, they would put in their best even for an audience of one. When you love what you do, you do not need anyone or any incentive to motivate you to do it with excellence. When you look for excuses not to put in your best, it is a sign that you do not have the ability to do things in an excellent manner. Excellence will always find a way. It is not difficult to identify excellence, any task they are given is handled with the same intensity, it does not matter who is looking or whether it would result in fame or fortune. Excellence is not a matter of pristine training, it is matter of the heart. Excellence will take you to where your training cannot. Whatever the size of your audience or whatever benefits that accrue from what you do, learn to it with excellence. You cannot quantify the satisfaction and the impact that your excellence will give you and anyone under your influence. Have a great week!
Friday, 15 June 2018
MentorAfrica: YESTERDAY PEOPLE - LES GENS D'HIER: Letting go of people we have been associated with for a long time can be a very difficult decision for some. They believe the saying that t...
Letting go of people we have been associated with for a long time can be a very difficult decision for some. They believe the saying that the angel you know is better than the devil you don't know. They forget that people are in our lives for a reason and most times, for a season. There are those who are stagnated by old association that cannot go with them to the level of their lives. When they discuss their vision with such people, all the reference they have is how it has been, so it from that point of reference that they discourage them from going forward. Not everyone in your life is meant to progress with you, some do not have the mental capacity to capture the picture of your future that is in your mind. Let go of yesterday people so that you can make room for tomorrow people. You have to endure the awkward period of not feeling comfortable with your new but necessary associates until they become your friends. Nothing has more influence than those we spend most of our time with, you need to have new associates who introduce you to ways of approaching life that are different from what you are used to. Do not be comfortable with repetitiveness, exploration is the path to sure success and lasting impact. Reevaluate your relationships so that you can have the help you need to proceed to your next level if you intend to make any meaningful progress. Enjoy a beautiful weekend!
Laisser aller les gens avec qui nous avons été associés depuis longtemps peut être une décision très difficile pour certains. Ils croient que l'ange que vous connaissez est meilleur que le diable que vous ne connaissez pas. Ils oublient que les gens sont dans nos vies pour une raison et la plupart du temps, pour une saison. Il y a ceux qui sont stagnés par des vieilles associations qui ne peuvent pas les accompagner au prochain niveau de leur vie. Quand ils discutent leur vision avec de telles personnes, tout ce qu'ils ont comme référence est la façon dont ils l'ont été, donc c'est à partir de ce point de référence qu'ils les découragent d'avancer. Tout le monde dans votre vie n'est pas destiné à progresser avec vous, certains n'ont pas la capacité mentale de saisir l'image de votre futur qui est dans votre esprit. Laissez aller les gens d'hier afin que vous puissiez faire de la place pour les gens de demain. Vous devez supporter la période difficile quand vous allez pas vous sentir à l'aise avec vos associés nouveaux mais nécessaires jusqu'à ce qu'ils deviennent vos amis. Rien n'a plus d'influence que ceux avec lesquels nous passons le plus de temps, vous devez avoir de nouveaux associés qui vous présentent des façons d'approcher la vie qui sont différentes de ce à quoi vous êtes habitué. Ne soyez pas à l'aise avec la répétitivité, l'exploration est la voie vers un succès certain et un impact durable. Réévaluez vos relations afin de pouvoir obtenir l'aide dont vous avez besoin pour passer au niveau suivant si vous avez l'intention de faire des progrès significatifs. Profitez d'un beau week-end!
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