AFRICA IS A CONTINENT ON THE MOVE AND HER YOUTHS ARE HER GREATEST RESOURCE."We cannot always build a future for our youth, but we can always build our youth for the future."Franklin D. Roosevelt. MentorAfrica looks to help youths, through various life transition mentoring topics, to prepare youths for development and leadership that will help them change the African narrative whenever the opportunity arises.
Monday, 26 March 2018
MentorAfrica: FIRST THINGS FIRST - LES CHOSES ESSENTIELLES D'ABO...: I listened to a speaker recently and something she said just stuck with me. I was not hearing it for the first time but this time I could ...
I listened to a speaker recently and something she said just
stuck with me. I was not hearing it for the first time but this time I could
not stop thinking about it. We all want to be change agents or leaders but we
do not want to start with ourselves. We want others to fully take on their
responsibilities while we either take our own lightly or totally ignore them. We
want others to be accountable to us but we do not want to be accountable to
others. We want to hold others to a standard that we are not holding ourselves
to. We have all come to the conclusion that leadership is influence, whether
you know it or not your life is influencing someone, somewhere. You need to be
able to lead yourself before you can lead others so that you impact people in
the right way. You have no moral justification to expect from others what you
are not doing for others. Stop talking about change from the same spot and the
same attitude you have been doing it from for the past ten years. We want
people to follow us when we have no clear map for our own lives. Since leadership
is not just a position but the influence you have on others, make sure you have
organised your life in such a way that you are not taking people on a wild
goose chase. What kind of values do you want to pass on to those under your influence?
Are you demanding what you are not exemplifying? Are you leading by theory or
by action? Are you the change that you want others to emulate? Lead yourself by
those same principles you want others to imbibe. There is too much talk on leadership
and too little leadership examples to follow. Get it right and you would not
need to waste a lot of money training those under you, when they follow your
footsteps, training will just help to sharpen their skills. Put first things
first and enjoy a great week!
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J'ai écouté une conférencière récemment et quelque chose qu'elle a dit est resté avec moi. Je n'entendais pas ça pour la première fois mais cette fois-ci je ne pouvais pas m'arrêter d'y penser. Nous voulons tous être des agents de changement ou des leaders, mais nous ne voulons pas commencer par nous-mêmes. Nous voulons que les autres assument pleinement leurs responsabilités pendant que nous les prenons à la légère ou les ignorons totalement. Nous voulons que les autres nous rendent des comptes, mais nous ne voulons pas être responsables envers les autres. Nous voulons maintenir les autres à un niveau auquel nous ne nous tenons pas. Nous sommes tous arrivés à la conclusion que le leadership est une influence, que vous le sachiez ou non, votre vie influence quelqu'un, quelque part. Vous devez être capable de vous conduire avant de pouvoir diriger les autres afin que vous ayez un impact sur les gens de la bonne façon. Vous n'avez aucune justification morale à attendre des autres ce que vous ne faites pas pour les autres. Arrêtez de parler de changement au même endroit et avec la même attitude que vous avez adoptée depuis dix ans. Nous voulons que les gens nous suivent quand nous n'avons pas de plan claire pour nos propres vies. Puisque le leadership n'est pas seulement une position, mais l'influence que vous avez sur les autres, assurez-vous que vous avez organisé votre vie de telle sorte que vous n'amenez pas les gens à courir apres la lune. Quel genre de valeurs voulez-vous transmettre à ceux qui sont sous votre influence? Exigez-vous ce que vous n'illustrez pas? Dirigez-vous par la théorie ou par l'action? Êtes-vous le changement que vous voulez que les autres assinilent? Gérez-vous par ces mêmes principes que vous voulez que les autres s'imprègnent. Il y a trop de discussions sur le leadership et trop peu d'exemples de leadership à suivre. Maîtrisez-vous bien le leadership et vous n'auriez pas besoin de gaspiller beaucoup d'argent à entraîner ceux qui sont sous vos ordres, quand ils suivront vos traces, la formation ne fera que les aider à aiguiser leurs compétences. Mettez en avant les choses essentientials et profitez d'une excellente semaine!
Thursday, 22 March 2018
MentorAfrica: KEEP IT SIMPLE! - GARDEZ-LE SIMPLE!: We have heard it over and over but we still need a reminder from time to time to help us stay on course. We need to keep it simple, focusin...
We have heard it over and over but we still need a reminder from time to time to help us stay on course. We need to keep it simple, focusing on our dream and turning limitations into opportunities. No path in life is without obstacles, the way we treat these limitations will determine the degree of success we have in life. While they stop most people from arriving at their destination, they catapult those who see them as opportunities to theirs. We must try to always see past the limitations; once we can constantly keep the goal we intend to achieve in view, it becomes easier to find ways of making limitations to work in our favour. Many start-ups have financial limitations and most times, it is in learning how to use what other resources are available to surmount these obstacles that many have invented things they never imagined they could. Many times, limitations make us to stretch our imagination in directions that we never thought possible. The problem is that many succumb too easily to limitations that they miss out on the opportunity to accomplish a better version of their vision. The process of overcoming your limitations gives character and a robustness to your success that cannot be achieved by any other means. In order to keep your life simple, you need to stick with focusing on turning limitations into opportunities rather than continually analyzing why you have these limitations. We do not have control of what spanners life will throw at our wheels but we can keep our life simple by preparing to work with whatever life throws at us to accomplish our goal. It is always possible to imagine some of the limitations in our sphere before they manifest, it is their dimensions that will differ. Whatever the case, life is simpler when we do not complain about everything that is wrong and how unfair life is to us because that way we have the presence of mind to turn our lemons into lemonade. Enjoy your day!
Wednesday, 21 March 2018
MentorAfrica: NEW TECHNOLOGY. RECYCLED PAST. - NOUVELLE TECHNOL...: When you are stuck in your past, a new environment, new opportunities and even new technology will not help you detach except you have a ch...
When you are stuck in your past, a new environment, new opportunities and even new technology will not help you detach except you have a changed perspective. New technology could make you improve the way you relate with your past but it cannot make you change how you see your past. I see people whose only point of reference in life are old friends, an old job, old ways of solving problems or even old school entertainment. Whatever they want to do must be seen through the parameters of how it used to be done if not you cannot get them on board. With new technology, they just develop a new and more effective way of presenting old ideas. Carrying that kind of weight from your past makes progress almost impossible. The world is moving very fast, not just technologically but in idea generation. You can only create and do innovative things if you are abreast with the current realities and not when you have the latest smart gadgets. Changing the world and pushing your boundaries require being mentally smart and being up to date with the current challenges, trends and ideologies. If you have smart devices that cannot help you look at ways of improving your life and your environment, you are like fish out of water. What is the use spending so much money on smart gadgets if they will only help you try to translate your past to people who are in another time zone. We need to know the reason why the world is getting smarter if we have any intentions of making a difference. Come out your past and do not look back except you need information to help you understand your present and conquer your future. Have a nice day!
Tuesday, 20 March 2018
MentorAfrica: THERE ARE OTHER WAYS - IL Y A D'AUTRES MOYENS: Yesterday, I was talking about how it amazes me when people who do not want to do something readily find an excuse not to. The main reason...
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