"We might believe that stepping out a comfort zone would be like walking in a dark place, not knowing the direction we are going. What if there was a light that you can turn on, so that you can clearly see where you are and where you are going? What if that light was right here, inside yourself? Your vision is beyond that darkness, beyond the limitations that have been placed on you. Your vision is waiting for you to turn the light on so that it can help you live that better life you have the right to. Show yourself off, and let yourself shine!" - Elena Perella
"You have to want something so badly and feel within every fiber of your body that this is right for you". - Gloria J. Schramm
At times I like to share some of the comments on my posts so that other opinions can help throw some more light on the subject matter. Anyone who wants to completely understand the process before they step out to pursue the vision they have in mind, will never step out. The fear of the unknown has held many in bondage especially in societies where there is a lot of superstitious beliefs. If you wait for others to always point the way, you will never leave the mediocre zone. Those who have accomplish things beyond their wildest imagination are those who were not afraid to step into the dark because they believed in their vision so badly that they felt within every fiber of their body that it was right for them. You are the only one who can turn the switch on inside, the image is already there. All it needs is some light to see it clearly which comes from mentally bring it into focus with knowledge and adequate information. All motivation from others will help you do is realise that the power to do this is in your hands. Stop waiting for life, it is waiting on you. Do have a great weekend!
"Vous devez vouloir tellement quelque chose et le sentir dans chaque fibre de votre corps que cela vous convient". - Gloria J. Schramm
Parfois, j'aime bien partager certains commentaires sur mes messages afin que d'autres opinions puissent contribuer à éclairer davantage le sujet. Quiconque veut comprendre complètement le processus avant de se lancer pour poursuivre la vision qu'il a en tête ne le fera jamais. La peur de l'inconnu en a retenu beaucoup, surtout dans les sociétés où règnent de nombreuses croyances superstitieuses. Si vous attendez que les autres indiquent toujours le chemin, vous ne quitterez jamais la zone médiocre. Ceux qui ont accompli de grandes choses qui dépassent leur imagination la plus folle sont ceux qui n'avaient pas peur d'entrer dans le noir parce qu'ils croyaient en leur vision si mal qu'ils sentaient en chaque fibre de leur corps que c'était juste pour eux. Vous êtes le seul à pouvoir allumer le commutateur à l'intérieur, l'image est déjà là. Il suffit d’un peu de lumière pour le voir clairement et cela vient de la concentration mentale sur la connaissance et l’information adéquate. Tout que la motivation des autres vous aidera à faire est de réaliser que le pouvoir de le faire est entre vos mains. Arrête d'attendre la vie, elle t'attend. Passez un bon week-end!
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