AFRICA IS A CONTINENT ON THE MOVE AND HER YOUTHS ARE HER GREATEST RESOURCE."We cannot always build a future for our youth, but we can always build our youth for the future."Franklin D. Roosevelt. MentorAfrica looks to help youths, through various life transition mentoring topics, to prepare youths for development and leadership that will help them change the African narrative whenever the opportunity arises.
Wednesday, 27 June 2018
MentorAfrica: YOU NEED THOSE SHOULDERS - VOUS AVEZ BESOIN DE CES...: "What an old man sees sitting down the young man cannot see standing up" - African proverb The greatest mistake we can make i...
"What an old man sees sitting down the young man cannot see standing up" - African proverb
The greatest mistake we can make is to think that we do not need mentoring from those more experienced because we believe we have the talent and the training we need to succeed. Many youths are so self-absorbed that they rebuff any form of mentoring. In this age of technology, youths feel they have what the older generations do not have and they find it difficult ask advice from people with more practical, professional as well as real life experience. At times, it is not even the professional training that needs attention, it is the way we handle life generally that helps our talents and training to shine. We understand life better when we stand on the shoulders of those who have gone before us. Never underestimate the power of experience. Gleaning from other people's experience helps us shorten our learning period and reduce the number of disappointments we have to deal with. Mentoring makes the road smoother and I believe we should grab any opportunity to stand on the shoulders of others to see further down the road. Enjoy your day!
"Ce qu'un vieil homme voit assis le jeune homme ne peut pas voir debout" - Proverbe africain
La plus grande erreur que nous puissions faire est de penser que nous n'avons pas besoin de mentorat de la part des plus expérimentés car nous croyons avoir le talent et la formation dont nous avons besoin pour réussir. Beaucoup de jeunes sont tellement vaniteux qu'ils refusent toute forme de mentorat. En cette ère de technologie, les jeunes ont l'impression d'avoir ce que les générations plus âgées n'ont pas et ils ont du mal à demander conseil à ceux qui ont une expérience plus pratique, professionnelle et réelle. Parfois, ce n'est même pas la formation professionnelle qui a besoin d'attention, c'est la façon dont nous gérons la vie en général qui aide nos talents et notre formation à briller. Nous comprenons mieux la vie lorsque nous nous tenons sur les épaules de ceux qui nous ont précédés. Ne jamais sous-estimer le pouvoir de l'expérience. Le glanage de l'expérience des autres nous aide à raccourcir notre période d'apprentissage et à réduire le nombre de déceptions auxquelles nous devons faire face. Le mentorat rend la route plus fluide et je crois que nous devrions saisir toute occasion de rester sur les épaules des autres pour voir plus loin. Bonne journée!
Tuesday, 26 June 2018
MentorAfrica: CARRY YOUR OWN WATER FIRST - PORTEZ VOTRE PROPRE E...: I heard someone say that being a grandfather is something he is really grateful for because it has been given him the opportunity to retali...
I heard someone say that being a grandfather is something he is really grateful for because it has been given him the opportunity to retaliate and gloat. He said his children now call him to ask about how to handle their children who were doing the very same things they used to criticise him for not handling properly. When you have not experienced a situation, it is difficult to predict how you are going to handle it. Imagining what your response will be is different from what your real response will be when you are in the heat of a challenge. Rather than being quick to criticise, always try to empathise and study the situation from different angles before you offer unsolicited counsel. Many find themselves doing the very same things they have criticised in others given the same circumstances and most times, they handle the situation even worse. It is funny how politicians in opposition think that they have all the answers only to come into government and mess things up further. Until you have conquered, do not attempt to teach others how to fight the battle. Keep your strategies to yourself and sharpen them with what you learn from others until you understand the value of words, then you can speak words that would make a difference in people's lives. Enjoy your day!
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Monday, 25 June 2018
MentorAfrica: TALK TO ME - PARLEZ-MOI: As I work with people especially the youths, I have discovered that what we lack most times are people who are ready to listen to us. Every...
As I work with people especially the youths, I have discovered that what we lack most times are people who are ready to listen to us. Everyone thinks they know what the other person needs to do to improve their lives. We always have answers when we are not involved in the challenging situation. Many have an idea of what they want, all they need is someone to listen to them. Some times, we need neither encouragement nor criticism, we just need someone to listen to us while we talk. There is something that happens when you hear yourself talking about your dream that emboldens you more than when you just think about or read about it. When someone comes to talk to you about an idea they have, just allow them to talk. Listen attentively and speak only when your counsel is required. "Talk to me" is a phrase that is rarely used these days because we have too many who think they have an answer or a suggestion in helping to bring everybody's dream to reality. Many more will have less depression if they could just have people who listen to them without telling them what they should do without patiently listening to what they have to say. In a world where pressure from all facets of society is constantly on the rise, we need to hear the phrase "Talk to me" more often to help us understand that can have some support when we need it. Have a great week!
Wednesday, 20 June 2018
MentorAfrica: THE HEAT IS NECESSARY - LA FEU EST NÉCESSAIRE: I have dabbled a bit into bread making and I know that the most important thing you need to know so you can have the best results is how to...
I have dabbled a bit into bread making and I know that the most important thing you need to know so you can have the best results is how to use yeast. You have to know the right amount and the correct duration you have to leave it in the dough before you bake. No matter the amount of condiments you use to make it rich and delicious, if you do not use the yeast right, the dough will not rise properly for the bread to come out the way you intend. It is the heat of the process that makes your gift to rise for you to use it for the impact that is intended. Formal training is good but that alone cannot mature your gift enough for you to maximise its use. There are many professionals who are not making any impact apart from enriching those they are getting their goods and services from. The experiences we allow to make us bold enough to help us make tough choices and confront the challenges of life is the yeast but many of us do all we can in order to avoid any such experience. This means we do not allow the "yeast" to do its work. Do not run away from the pressures that the process puts on you, that is the only way that all the facets of your gift can shine. Ask the piece of diamond and it will tell you that it is the pressure from the huge boulders put on it for countless numbers of years that gives it the sparkle you get from it no matter which direction you turn it. Allow the heat to do its work and everyone one that comes across you will enjoy your influence, that is what is meant by living with intention. Enjoy your day!
Monday, 18 June 2018
MentorAfrica: THE SIZE DOES NOT MATTER - LA TAILLE N'EST PAS IMP...: I had a colleague who was very lackadaisical about her job and anytime I confronted her, she would say "how much are they paying me?&q...
I had a colleague who was very lackadaisical about her job and anytime I confronted her, she would say "how much are they paying me?" She is not alone and the fact is that even if such people get high paying jobs, their performance will not be excellent. Excellence does not consider the size of the audience or paycheck. People who pursue excellence are simply passionate about what they do, they would put in their best even for an audience of one. When you love what you do, you do not need anyone or any incentive to motivate you to do it with excellence. When you look for excuses not to put in your best, it is a sign that you do not have the ability to do things in an excellent manner. Excellence will always find a way. It is not difficult to identify excellence, any task they are given is handled with the same intensity, it does not matter who is looking or whether it would result in fame or fortune. Excellence is not a matter of pristine training, it is matter of the heart. Excellence will take you to where your training cannot. Whatever the size of your audience or whatever benefits that accrue from what you do, learn to it with excellence. You cannot quantify the satisfaction and the impact that your excellence will give you and anyone under your influence. Have a great week!
Friday, 15 June 2018
MentorAfrica: YESTERDAY PEOPLE - LES GENS D'HIER: Letting go of people we have been associated with for a long time can be a very difficult decision for some. They believe the saying that t...
Letting go of people we have been associated with for a long time can be a very difficult decision for some. They believe the saying that the angel you know is better than the devil you don't know. They forget that people are in our lives for a reason and most times, for a season. There are those who are stagnated by old association that cannot go with them to the level of their lives. When they discuss their vision with such people, all the reference they have is how it has been, so it from that point of reference that they discourage them from going forward. Not everyone in your life is meant to progress with you, some do not have the mental capacity to capture the picture of your future that is in your mind. Let go of yesterday people so that you can make room for tomorrow people. You have to endure the awkward period of not feeling comfortable with your new but necessary associates until they become your friends. Nothing has more influence than those we spend most of our time with, you need to have new associates who introduce you to ways of approaching life that are different from what you are used to. Do not be comfortable with repetitiveness, exploration is the path to sure success and lasting impact. Reevaluate your relationships so that you can have the help you need to proceed to your next level if you intend to make any meaningful progress. Enjoy a beautiful weekend!
Thursday, 14 June 2018
MentorAfrica: THREAT OF EXCELLENCE - MENACE D'EXCELLENCE: It is funny but some people are actually threatened by excellence. Once they are in the presence of excellence, they are so threatened that...
It is funny but some people are actually threatened by excellence. Once they are in the presence of excellence, they are so threatened that they become antagonistic. When they employ an excellent worker, they are so insecure that they would do all they can to frustrate them because they cannot stand what they perceive as a threat. When you are intimidated by the excellence of others, you cannot attain excellence yourself. What you appreciate in others, you are more likely to reproduce in your own way to become a more excellent version of yourself. Do not be too proud to understudy excellence anywhere you find it. When you strive for excellence, you become a threat to many. However, the way you respond to antagonism and envy will determine how far you can go to excel and to impact others. Do not allow how insecure people treat you to drag you down to their pitiful level. Strength is built as we do all we can to maintain our level of excellence. Real excellence is humbling and it makes one willing to share and to improve any situation in which you find yourself. Don't be threatened by excellence, respect and embrace it wherever you find it. Success is appreciating any help you can get and using it to improve yourself. Enjoy your day!
C'est drôle mais certaines sont en réalité menacées par l'excellence. Une fois qu'ils sont en présence d'excellence, ils sont tellement menacés qu'ils deviennent antagonistes. Quand ils emploient un excellent travailleur, ils sont si peu sûrs qu'ils feraient tout ce qu'ils peuvent pour les contrecarrer parce qu'ils ne peuvent supporter ce qu'ils perçoivent comme une menace. Lorsque vous êtes intimidé par l'excellence des autres, vous ne pouvez pas atteindre l'excellence vous-même. Ce que vous appréciez chez les autres, vous avez plus de chance de reproduire à votre façon pour devenir une version plus excellente de vous-même. Ne soyez pas trop fier de doubler l'excellence partout où vous le trouvez. Lorsque vous luttez pour l'excellence, vous devenez une menace pour beaucoup. Cependant, la façon dont vous réagissez à l'antagonisme et à l'envie déterminera jusqu'où vous pouvez aller pour exceller et avoir un impact sur les autres. Ne permettez pas que les gens peu sûrs vous traitent à leur niveau pitoyable. La force est construite en faisant tout notre possible pour maintenir notre niveau d'excellence. L'excellence réelle est une leçon d'humilité et elle donne l'envie de partager et d'améliorer n'importe quelle situation dans laquelle vous vous trouvez. Ne soyez pas menacé par l'excellence, respectez-le et adoptez-le partout où vous le trouvez. Le succès est d'apprécier toute aide que vous pouvez obtenir et de l'utiliser pour vous améliorer. Bonne journée!
Wednesday, 13 June 2018
MentorAfrica: WHO IS STRETCHING YOU? -: I was with a friend yesterday and as we were discussing, I mentioned something that has become a cause of concern for me in my community. W...
I was with a friend yesterday and as we were discussing, I mentioned something that has become a cause of concern for me in my community. We talked about it for awhile and he said we had talked enough about the challenge, now we have to think of what to do solve the problem. It is not my personal problem neither does he know anything about my community. I told him of an idea I had in mind and he immediately started asking questions that will help me give structure to the idea. In no time, he committed to raising half of the initial sum to get the idea off the ground in the next three months. What fascinated me the most was the fact that anytime I tried to amplify the problem he would take the conversation back to the solution. When we are surrounded by result- oriented people, it becomes difficult to give up or to fail. These are people who make us see beyond our limitations and stretch us out of our comfort zones. Quit being around people who will help you analyse the challenges in front of you until they become insurmountable mountains. Surround yourself with those who see the size of the mountain yet all they think about is what can be done to go around it or bore a channel through it, one step at a time. Have a great day!
J'étais avec un ami hier et pendant que nous discutions, j'ai mentionné quelque chose qui est devenu une source d'inquiétude pour moi dans ma communauté. Nous en avons parlé pendant un certain temps et il a dit que nous avions assez parlé du défi, maintenant nous devons penser à ce qu'il faut faire pour résoudre le problème. Il s'agit pas de mon problème personnel et il ne sait rien de ma communauté. Je lui ai fait part d'une idée que j'avais en tête et il a immédiatement commencé à poser des questions qui m'aideront à structurer l'idée. En un rien de temps, il s'est engagé à réunir la moitié de la somme initiale pour lancer l'idée au cours des trois prochains mois. Ce qui me fascinait le plus était le fait que chaque fois que j'essayais d'amplifier le problème, il ramenait la conversation à la solution. Lorsque nous sommes entourés de personnes axées sur les résultats, il devient difficile d'abandonner ou d'échouer. Ce sont des gens qui nous font voir au-delà de nos limites et nous étirent hors de nos zones de confort. Cessez de vous entourer de gens qui vous aideront à analyser les défis qui vous attendent jusqu'à ce qu'ils deviennent des montagnes insurmontables. Entourez-vous de ceux qui voient la taille de la montagne, mais qui pensent seulement à ce qu'on peut faire pour la contourner ou comment y creuser un canal, une étape à la fois. Passez une bonne journée!
Tuesday, 12 June 2018
MentorAfrica: REMAIN OPEN TO KNOWLEDGE - RESTER OUVERT À LA CONN...: When the student is ready, the teacher will appear. – Wise saying No sane person will pour water into a glass full of water. There is n...
When the student is ready, the teacher will appear. – Wise saying
No sane person will pour water into a glass full of water. There is nothing as frustrating as trying teach someone who thinks they know everything. It is quite unfortunate because others around them know that they do not know as much as they claim, yet they prevent themselves from getting the additional knowledge required to fulfill their purpose. There is always something knew to learn for those who are open to learn. The beautiful thing about such people is that they can learn from anything and anyone. There is nothing you can do to help someone who is set in their ways and do not want humble themselves and embrace knowledge that can bring the change they need to help propel them to the next level. If you want to make any significant progress or impact in life, you must assume the posture of a learner always. This way, you can always hear and understand issues beyond the way they are being presented, one piece of information can help you connect dots is the least expected ways. Most times, we come across some puzzle that we try to immediately figure out but to no avail, only for us to get the enlightenment we need from another thing we came across somewhere else at another instance. Never be too full that you cannot get the enlightenment you require to understand the next step you need to take in your journey. Have a great day!
Lorsque l'étudiant est prêt, l'enseignant apparaîtra. - Adage
Aucune personne sain d'esprit ne versera de l'eau dans un verre rempli d'eau. Il n'y a rien de plus frustrant que d'essayer d'enseigner quelqu'un qui pense tout savoir. C'est assez malheureux parce que les autres autour d'eux savent qu'ils ne savent pas tout ce qu'ils prétendent, mais ils s'empêchent d'acquérir les connaissances supplémentaires nécessaires pour atteindre leur but. Il y a toujours quelque chose à apprendre pour ceux qui sont ouverts à l'apprentissage. La belle chose à propos de ces gens est qu'ils peuvent apprendre de tout et de n'importe qui. Il n'y a rien que vous puissiez faire pour aider quelqu'un qui est mis dans ses voies et ne veut pas s'humilier et embrasser des connaissances qui peuvent apporter le changement dont il a besoin pour les propulser au niveau suivant. Si vous voulez faire des progrès significatifs ou avoir un impact dans la vie, vous devez toujours assumer la posture d'un apprenant. De cette façon, vous pouvez toujours entendre et comprendre les problèmes au-delà de la façon dont ils sont présentés, une seule information peut vous aider à relier les points. La plupart du temps, nous rencontrons des casse-tête que nous essayons de comprendre immédiatement mais en vain, et puis nous obtenons l'illumination dont nous avons besoin d'une autre chose que nous avons rencontrée ailleurs dans une autre instance. Ne soyez jamais trop plein que vous ne pouvez pas obtenir l'illumination dont vous avez besoin pour comprendre la prochaine étape que vous devez prendre dans votre voyage. Passez une bonne journée!
Friday, 8 June 2018
MentorAfrica: RIDE THE PAIN - CHEVAUCHER LA DOULEUR: I was visiting with a friend who was involved in a car accident some years ago. She and mother were recounting some things that happened du...
I was visiting with a friend who was involved in a car accident some years ago. She and mother were recounting some things that happened during her extended stay in hospital. There was a point at which she was almost dependent on a particular pain killer. They recounted how one of the nurses was helping her get the drug illegally but there was another nurse who was quite close to them, who continually told her to ride the pain. It was the insistence of this nurse that saved her life. For many of us, we would prefer to avoid the pain of the process needed to arrive at our desired success. Since this is usually not possible, some then begin to look for ways to help numb the pain that is in the commitment, perseverance and rejection that accompanies the process. What happens most times when we try to go this route is that we become addicted and depend on things like relationships, entertainment or temporary systems that should help us through the process and miss the mark. Until you see these as temporary relief in the pursuit of your vision, you will either be derailed or you will quit. We have to have a few people around us who are honest enough to insist that we ride the pain. Riding the pain is a part of maturing the character that is required for you to handle success, never try to circumvent what is meant to build the muscles that you need to carry the weight of success. There is no point in arriving at your destination and you come crashing down because you could not handle life at the top. That crash is so destructive that we should do all in our power to avoid it. Decide to do your best to ride the pain so you can enjoy your life of impact. Have a great weekend!
Thursday, 7 June 2018
MentorAfrica: FOCUS. ENERGY. MOVEMENT. - CONCENTRATION. ENERGIE....: What I have discovered, as I work with people, is that until someone has a vision, dream or something they are focusing on, they would lack...
What I have discovered, as I work with people, is that until someone has a vision, dream or something they are focusing on, they would lack the energy to make progress. No matter how you try to push or motivate someone, if they do not have an image of purpose, they will not move. I remember a girl who suddenly started exercising everyday some weeks before her wedding just to look good on her wedding day. Today, six years after her wedding, she is about twice her former size. It is dangerous to live without a purpose because we will go with whatever life dishes us and regret at the end of our lives. This is not the only reason we should identify what to live for, when we do not live for anything, we will help others live out their own purpose. This is not a bad thing since our dreams are connected to those of others, but when we are forced to live other people's dreams because we cannot identify and focus on our own, life becomes a frustration. We will just be doing the motions without any satisfaction. It is focus on a purpose that produces the energy for passion to succeed. I have been dealing with this subject a lot lately because of the lackadaisical attitude of many people that I come across. This is the reason why some people complain constantly about others or they criticise everything others do, they are looking for who to blame rather than look at their lives and see what they can do to make their lives more interesting and more satisfying. They become envious of people's success and this spills out as anger and bitterness against those who are succeeding with their lives. Until you have a clear picture of where you are going and what you want to accomplish with your life, you cannot be passionate about anything neither will you have success of any significant. Enjoy your day!
Wednesday, 6 June 2018
MentorAfrica: INVEST WHERE IT COUNTS - INVESTISSEZ OÙ CELA COMPT...: Pop culture has almost taken over from every other philosophical ideology. It has become a point of reference for most people no matter the...
Pop culture has almost taken over from every other philosophical ideology. It has become a point of reference for most people no matter their age and culture. People are more interested in how they look and what people think about them. Philosophies are built around celebrity lifestyles. Popularity is built on social media acceptance rather than on creativity and innovation. It does not matter how inconsequential the information on social media is, what is important is the number of followers you have on social media, so people would post the most absurd things about themselves. Personal appearance is given top priority because people are looking for something superficial to project in order to attract followers on and offline. Intelligent conversations are now looked at as boring. Many are not interested in developing their intellect because society now has more respect for outward appearance. So long as you appear "sharp", you will attract attention. In a continent like Africa where life is still considered "primitive", it is sad to see that many, especially the youths are only focused on how to take care of their appearance. They adopt pop culture that is alien to them and makes them look weird, something they themselves do not even understand. Many of them are not prepared to develop their mental capacity, their major or only concern is to look good. The problem with this is that they will remain "slaves" to those who are wise enough to invest on their mental growth. When you spend more money and time pursuing how you look, you will serve those who pursue projects that improve society and life. A beautiful appearance is great but a sound mind will trump pop culture and life any day, anytime. Choose what you will invest your time, energy and resources on, then be ready to deal with the consequences without complaining. Enjoy a great day!
Tuesday, 5 June 2018
MentorAfrica: IMPACT CREATES OPPOSITION - L'IMPACT CRÉE L'OPPOSI...: Impact creates opposition because it looks to change the landscape and people do not like change. Impact brings about about change and ther...
Impact creates opposition because it looks to change the landscape and people do not like change. Impact brings about about change and there is no growth without change. Many like to grow but they do not want to change, they want to eat their cake and have it. Impart will require them to leave their comfort zone but they do not want anything to rattle their nest. Unfortunately, growth does not happen in the comfort zone, growth happens by expanding our horizons. For many, this is a bitter pill to swallow. When was the last time you tried something new because of new information that you came across? We like to discuss new topics but we do not like to apply the information to improve our lives and expand our sphere of influence. The information you have is of no importance if you cannot use it to grow and make impact. There is no way you can make impact if you are afraid of opposition, you have to have enough integrity to be honest about challenging people to come out of their comfort zone. It takes courage to go outside the box and more courage to help drag others outside theirs. Many of us have to be dragged kicking and screaming. Are you ready to face the opposition to change that impact requires? It is easy to want to make impact, but do you have the courage it takes to stand for what your core values represent even in the face of opposition? Are you ready to face the criticisms that impact attracts? To follow through on your commitment to live for impact, you have to be able to answer these questions honestly and positively. Enjoy your day!
L'impact crée de l'opposition parce qu'il cherche à changer le paysage et les gens n'aiment pas le changement. L'impact entraîne des changements et il n'y a pas de croissance sans changement. Beaucoup aiment grandir, mais ils ne veulent pas changer, ils veulent manger leur gâteau et l'avoir en même temps. L'impart leur demandera de quitter leur zone de confort mais ils ne veulent pas qu'on hochete leur nid. Malheureusement, la croissance ne se fait pas dans la zone de confort, la croissance se passe en élargissant nos horizons. Pour beaucoup, c'est une pilule amère à avaler. Quand était la dernière fois que vous avez essayé quelque chose de nouveau à cause de nouvelles informations que vous avez rencontrées? Nous aimons discuter de nouveaux sujets, mais nous n'aimons pas les appliquer pour améliorer nos vies et élargir notre sphère d'influence. L'information que vous avez n'a aucune importance si vous ne pouvez pas l'utiliser pour grandir et pour avoir de l'impact. Il n'y a aucun moyen pour avoir de l'impact si vous avez peur de l'opposition, vous devez avoir suffisamment d'intégrité pour être honnête lorsqu'il s'agit de mettre les gens au défi de sortir de leur zone de confort. Il faut du courage pour sortir hors du cadre et plus de courage pour aider les autres à sortir des leurs. Beaucoup d'entre nous doivent être traînés à coups de pied et de cris. Êtes-vous prêt à affronter l'opposition pour avoir le changement que demande l'impact? C'est facile d'avoir le désir de faire de l'impact, mais avez-vous le courage de défendre ce que vos valeurs fondamentales représentent même face à l'opposition? Êtes-vous prêt à faire face aux critiques que l'impact attire? Pour suivre votre engagement à vivre pour l'impact, vous devez être en mesure de répondre à ces questions honnêtement et positivement. Bonne journée!
Monday, 4 June 2018
MentorAfrica: SUCCESS IS A JOURNEY - LE SUCCÈS EST UN TRAJET: In our present dispensation where information abounds on success and successful people, the pressure to succeed has been raised to another ...
In our present dispensation where information abounds on success and successful people, the pressure to succeed has been raised to another level especially for the youths. We are constantly bombarded by the achievements of others and are rarely presented with what they had to go through to arrive at their destination. Most times, the stories of success are presented at a level too soon because success is not just a particular achievement but a life of impact. We equate success with the amount of money made rather than the level of impact made in changing the game of life for people. When your success is only seen in the number of your luxury items, that is quite a pathetic situation. Success is a journey, it is moving from one level of influence to another, it is learning from failure to failure and constantly improving on the last achievement. People do untoward things to accomplish their goals because they believe that success is a destination and when they arrive at a certain goal, they are done. Many forget that life is a marathon, that you did a certain distance and stopped does not mean you successfully finished the race. Success is continuous, every achievement is a stepping stone to another. Many achievements are still influencing people even after the death of the visionary. Live beyond your lifetime. Have a great week!
Friday, 1 June 2018
MentorAfrica: THE SMART, THE FOOLISH AND THE IN-BETWEEN - LE SMA...: Most times when we realise we have a vision and we want to pursue it, many of us put together specific strategies we would employ to get it...
Most times when we realise we have a vision and we want to pursue it, many of us put together specific strategies we would employ to get it done. Some of us are so tied to these strategies that if they do not work, we quit. Unfortunately, most of those well-planned strategies we put in place do not give the desired results. This can make life quite a frustrating experience. We need to leave ourselves open to different ways of going about the achievement of our vision so we do not give up before exploring all options. Changing the destination is not an option, but we must be flexible about changing strategies. We have to storm the gates of our vision with everything we have got until something sticks. Throw everything you have at it whether they are ideas considered smart or foolish or anything in-between, we have to keep going at it until we strike gold. What you think is foolish might just be the key that unlocks the vault. Read as much as you can, listen to as many as you can and filter to get what you want. Many miss opportunities to turn things around because they are too proud to look in certain directions, do certain things or listen to certain people. Until you are ready to look in every area and are humble enough to listen to people who you might not consider as "smart", you are not ready to explore everything it takes to arrive at your destination. When you are ready to give it your all, no idea will be too insignificant to be tested. Have a wonderful day!
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