Thursday, 7 July 2016


We can’t throw up our hands and give up on the only nation that truly belongs to us. There is something I always try to make them understand and that is, no matter how we feel about our country, it is ours; whatever other country we are running to was built with the sweat of the citizens of that nation that decided to take ownership of their country. No matter how many foreigners they involved in the final actualization of their development, they had to take the initial responsibility.
This is not in any way making light of the enormity of the challenges that we face as citizens of this great nation. Be that as it may, are we going to give up and continue to abandon our homeland? What are we going to leave for future generations? It has become so bad that many private schools are opting for foreign syllabi/accent and trying to alienate the next generation from any affiliation to this nation; this is so sad but that is the reality on ground. This means that the next generation is being made to believe that this nation is beyond remedy. Parents are selling off family inheritance to make sure that their children go to where they believe the grass is greener, forgetting that the grass is actually greener where you water it!
Where do we go from here? Should we lay all the blame on governance or is there something that citizens can do?

(Excerpts from Chapter Two)
Help us at Joseph's Place Nigeria to get this book into the hands of as many youths as possible by donating copies to youths in your community (schools, faith-based organisations, other youth groups) or to youths in your Alma mater or Alumni. Together we can change the perspective of the next generation. For more information on how you can collaborate with us contact us on +2348023454461 or or

Wednesday, 6 July 2016


MentorAfrica: "CHANGE" IS MORE THAN A CHANT: Having spoken to over a thousand youths on this matter and armed with questionnaire answers to buttress this point, I feel that civic educa...


Having spoken to over a thousand youths on this matter and armed with questionnaire answers to buttress this point, I feel that civic education is an area we need to pay serious attention to. It is a shame that the majority of the next generation are not driven by any interest in the development of this nation.
Chants of “change” are not enough to produce change no matter how long and how loud they are chanted. There cannot be any meaningful change if the youths are not educated in the ways of change.

Discussions with the youths, even the ones in secondary schools, always throw up the fearful fact that they are already walking in the crooked footsteps of the older generation. The sad truth is that these are the paths they see all around them but when you try to draw their attention to the thought that they are about to go on these same wrong tracks, you get blank stares. They cannot come to terms with the idea that it is possible to do things differently; this confusion arises because they see that what you are telling them is the truth.
(Excerpts from Chapter Two)
Help us at Joseph's Place Nigeria to get this book into the hands of as many youths as possible by donating copies to youths in your community (schools, faith-based organisations, other youth groups) or to youths in your Alma mater or Alumni. Together we can change the perspective of the next generation. For more information on how you can collaborate with us contact us on +2348023454461 or or

Tuesday, 5 July 2016

MentorAfrica: WE CAN GET IT RIGHT!

MentorAfrica: WE CAN GET IT RIGHT!: There is no shortcut to success, if you will do anything great to affect your generation and society; you must dare to go where others are ...


There is no shortcut to success, if you will do anything great to affect your generation and society; you must dare to go where others are afraid to tread.
I always tell participants that life does not give us what we want, we take whatever we want from life. This is the reason why where some see opportunities and do all they can to seize them, others see obstacles and give every kind of excuse why things can’t work.
The most powerful statement you can make to yourself is that you are not just going to exist, work to pay bills and die an ordinary man. You must be determined to make your mark before you die.
 You are the only one that can be you. There is no one that can do things exactly the same way as you. It has been scientifically proven that no two people have the same fingerprints; even Siamese twins. Knowing that you have talents and abilities that the world needs is the most liberating piece of information that you can ever have.
(excerpts from Chapter One)
Help us at Joseph's Place Nigeria to get this book into the hands of as many youths as possible by donating copies to youths in your community (schools, faith-based organisations, other youth groups) or to youths in your Alma mater or Alumni. Together we can change the perspective of the next generation. For more information on how you can collaborate with us contact us on +2348023454461 or or

Monday, 4 July 2016

MentorAfrica: LET'S GIVE THIS A TRY!

MentorAfrica: LET'S GIVE THIS A TRY!: What we desire to do in this book is answer five questions that we believe will help the youths understand who they are and to show them th...


What we desire to do in this book is answer five questions that we believe will help the youths understand who they are and to show them that they have what it takes to move this country and continent to the next level. (1)What do I have to give? Everyone is an important brick needed to have a complete and beautiful nation, your vision is a necessary contribution to the development of society. (2)Why should I be interested in what is going on? We must realize that a good society is a collective responsibility of all its citizens. (3) Why should developing leadership qualities concern me? Every sphere of life needs a leader, not only in politics; and until we develop the leader in us, we can become clogs in the wheels of development.

(4) What if I do not get a job? The shift from what I would call “education for the stomach” to living a life of impact is absolutely necessary if we are going to have any meaningful development. (5) How do I prepare for relationships that will help me accomplish my life’s purpose? Many a life’s journey have been derailed or completely aborted by entering into relationships with the wrong people.
Help us at Joseph's Place Nigeria to get this book into the hands of as many youths as possible by donating copies to youths in your community (schools, faith-based organisations, other youth groups) or to youths in your Alma mater or Alumni. Together we can change the perspective of the next generation. For more information on how you can collaborate with us contact us on +2348023454461 or or